More mushrooms! This great sketch is #32 at 2Sketches4you. Again I used my new Twitterpated paper (available from CTMH September 1). For a girl that gags at the thought of eating a mushroom, I sure like them on cards...cute little things when they are not slimily sliding down my throat.
I will be posting the new Catalog/Idea Book here on my blog on September 1. This great paper and the mushroom buttons are in there (Dimensional Elements In Color - Organic). The current catalog is posted now on the left side of my blog (the green book with the hiker guy on the front). You can click there to browse through our current products (MANY of which I have used with my Twitterpated projects this week) and then click here to order from my website 24/7...even when you're eating mushrooms (yick!).
Close To My Heart products used: Twitterpated Level 2 Paper Pack (avail. 9/1, X7118B), Twitterpated Leve 2 MyStickease (avail. 9/1, X7118C), Dimensional Elements In Color - Organic (avail. 9/1, Z1230), 3D Foam Tape (Z1151), Colonial White Waxy Flax (Z1081), Black Legacy Writers (4275), Corner Rounder (Z578), Designer Ribbon Rounds Chocolate Collection (Z1127).

love it. Really like the mushrooms, can't wait to order it. Next month, already spent this month.
Check out my tut on tying ribbons on cards. I have it posted on my blog.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your work!
Thanks for playing at 2S4Y!
I wish I could make cards like you....this is so AWESOME!! LOVE IT!!!!!!
That mushroom mixed with the hearts is so stinkin' cute, Karen!
You're right...for someone not to like mushrooms, you're art with it is downright darling!
and what? no shrooms in your marinara sauce? *hand on forehead*
perfectly lovely!! LOOOOOOOVE this so much!
Oh my this is so cute!
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