I just LOVE this ad! The parents of the Senior football players this year at
Lone Peak were invited to submit an ad featuring their son. They only charged us $25 for a half page and it was our opportunity to highlight our son in any way we chose. I knew just who to call...Ghostbusters! No, wait. That's not what I meant. I meant my son-in-law, Rick. He is a partner in a GREAT graphic design business called Greek Fire Media (
www.greekfiremedia.com). They design websites, logos, etc. He and his partner, Micah put this little ad together for me lickety-split. I just love it. Oh yeah. I think I already said that.
Anyway, I thought I'd share it. I can't believe Tannon is beginning his senior year and last year playing high school football (quarterback). Our first game is this Friday. GO KNIGHTS!
That's a lovely ad - congratulations to Tannon!
the add is awesome! our fist game is friday too! I wish your son and his team the best...I hope his hand stays free and clear of pain or injury and that he has a fabulous season!
That is a great ad! Rick did an awesome job! I didn't know Tannon was the same age as Saydie I always thought he was older.
What a fabulous ad!
That is a super ad! Hope he has a great game, and season!
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