
Friday, May 22, 2009

2 years ago...

Two years ago in May I earned my 6th trip with Close To My Heart. This one was a 7 day Alaskan Cruise for 2. Knowing that just a few short months later Easton would be leaving us for 2 years on a mission for our church, Dan and I decided we would really splurge. In addition to the two of us, we decided to take the whole family. Yep, EVERYONE: Dan and I, Kori and Rick, Easton, Tannon, Dawson, and my parents even joined us. It was a wonderful trip and we all have such fond memories of the time we spent together on a big ship in the middle of the ocean and seeing the breathtaking beauty of Alaska and Victoria, Canada. Today I thought I'd share a layout I did of our family while we were cruising through Glacier Bay and a few other photos of our activities. I can't believe this really was in May two years ago. That means that in 8 short months, our Easton will be home!

Some of my favorite memories of this trip:
*train ride through the Alaskan mountains and across the Canadian Border
*Rick, Easton and Tannon winning the ship's 3 on 3 basketball tournament
*hiking in one of the most beautiful places I've ever been
*boys smelling like fish after catching some beautiful salmon
*walking with Kori and my mom through the rain and shopping in Ketchikan
*bowling in the ship bowling alley
*seeing wildlife right off our balcony (and watching everyone squish in to see it)
*Glacier Bay
*Butchardt Gardens

I just love my family so much and am so grateful we had this trip of a lifetime together!


  1. What a great LO and an awesome memory for your family!

  2. Beautiful layout and it looks like you had a fabulous trip:)

  3. I remember when you went on this, the time just flies by!!!!

  4. Oh My Goodness! I love your blog! I found it from Jamie's (one of my blogging idols :-)) I'm jealous you got to go on the cruise!
    Marie with a :-)

  5. That was absolutely the best trip I have ever been on. Thank you so much for taking us! Looking at these pics brings back all the memories. I wish we could do it again :)
