
Monday, May 11, 2009

Brenda's List

My sweet friend, Brenda shared her "Ten Little Things that Bring Me Joy" list with me. Don't you just love this photo of cute Brenda and her kitty? I knew that Brenda and I were soul sisters! Not only are we both crazy about American Idol and Adam, we both switch allegiances to So You Think You Can Dance when Idol ends. I still can't believe we are already down to the final 3. How long until tomorrow night?

1."Dates" with my son - usually lunch and shopping
2. When my husband calls me "beauty." After 20 years, it still melts my heart.
3. 70% Dark Chocolate Lindt Truffles
4. Starbucks & Caribou - COFFEE!
5. American Idol night (when this ends, I'll switch to So You Think You Can Dance)
6. brand new magazines
7. Big Bang Theory - I love shows that make me laugh out loud.
8. my black cat
9. the smell of laundry after it's been on the line
10. creating pages, cards, altered items - it all brings me great joy.

I'd love to see your lists too! To share your list go here, read the post and then comment. I just love reading your lists!

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