
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

Tomorrow morning Dawson and I are headed down to Cedar City for several days where he will be playing in the Utah Summer Games with his basketball team, and where we'll be staying with his cousin, Padon. He and Padon are kindred spirits that have been buds since they were babies. They LOVE it when there is a chance to spend a few days together. Living three hours apart means it doesn't happen as often as they'd like.

This layout is one that shows off some pictures of Dawson and Padon at a family reunion a couple of years ago. They had so much fun in the sun! It also follows this week's sketch at Creative Scrappers (#56). You can click on the photo to see a larger version.

Close To My Heart products used: Tinkerin' Level 2 Scrapbook Kit, Tinkerin' Stickease, Hodge Podge Alphabet, Black My Legacy Writers.

Click here to order from my website, check my calendar for upcoming classes and events, or to view my art.


  1. Wow, fabulous layout! I love the Tinkerin Paper! Can't wait till summer when I have more time for scrapping!

  2. Love, love, love it! I just might have to lift this! Hmmm...what would a second page look like?

  3. That is G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.!!!!!! The colors are amazing, the pictures are so happy and cute, and the layout is out of this world. I LOVE it!!!

  4. Karen...WOW! That's all I can say about your blog...and I've only just discovered it over the past couple of weeks! I have an award for you on my blog. I hope you stop by to pick it up.
