
Monday, June 8, 2009

Please vote!

Wow! Double wow! What a fun day! Not only did I made the top 5 and designer's choice at card patterns, I just found out I am a finalist in the Close To My Heart scrapbook and share contest. I am one of the top 5 in the unique technique division. I would love it if you would take a moment to vote today. Today (June 8) is the only day that you can vote. Here's what you do:

1. Go to the scrapbook and share site:
2. Scroll down to my layout (black and pink "Passion" layout) and see if you feel it's worth voting for.
3. Select your favorite entry in each category (there are 5 categories. I am in the "Most Unique Technique" category, which is I think the 3rd category down).
4. There will be only one blog post per category and each of the five finalists will be featured in that post. Make sure to include the number of the entry you would like to vote for in your comment (I am #3 in the Most Unique Technique category). Please, only one vote, per person, per category.
5. The winner will be announced by June 17, so come back then to see the grand prize recipients ($150 in CTMH product!)

Thanks for your help and support.


  1. Congrats!! Thanks for letting me know about my entry- I just voted for both of us!! Go Team!! (that's what my kids would say)

  2. Congratulations Karen! Your artwork is amazing. You have my vote. GO GIRL!

    Tina Sutton

  3. Congratulations Karen! Off to vote now!

  4. I totally just voted for you! Your journaling in your LO got me seriously choked up! These days with marriages falling apart everyday, it's such a blessing and a joy to hear of couples still madly in love with each other!! It's not easy finding couples to look up to and I want to thank you for being an inspiration!! I pray the Lord continues to bless your marriage abundantly!!

  5. Congrats Karen!! Your pages are just beautiful!Im headed to vote for you! I also made as a finalist in the inpspiring category!! Im super excited!! If you like mine-please vote for me!!
    Blessings to you! Jolena

  6. Congratulations Karen!!! Your layout is beautiful!!! You have my vote!!!

  7. Not only is your artwork amazing, but your jouranling is beautiful. How similar we are - Jerry proposed just a month after we met, and we were married 8 months later! Keeping my fingers crossed for you on the prize!!

  8. You are a SUPERSTAR!!! Wishing you tons of success!!!!! :)

  9. Congrats to you too! on making the top 5! I wish I could see your LO in person... the stitching looks amazing! I'm sending you a little email with attachment. :)

  10. I voted for you!!! Beautiful layout!!
