
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another Butterfly and My Easton

Here is another butterfly card for your enjoyment.

All products are Close To My Heart: Celebrate Life Stamp Set (C12878), Silhouette Creative Basics Paper Pack (X5803), Stardust Level 2 Paper Pack (X7109B), Colonial White Cardstock (1388), Black Stamp Pad (Z2105), Chocolate Stamp Pad (Z2111), Mini-Medley Autumn Garden Collection (Z1119), Primary Pencils (Z921), Earth Pencils (Z920), Autumn Terracotta Swirl Clip (retired)

Click here to order from my website 24/7, even while celebrating life!

Now on to my Easton...Here are a few photos I got in the mail this week from him. I love Easton mail!

1. At the baptism at one of the ladies he taught and who chose to be baptized. Happy day!
2. Splitting wood for a family in his missionary clothes! Oh dear!

3. Mardi Gras with a family that he became close to on Galveston Island (he is now in Houston). Mardi Gras on Galveston is a big deal...but not a good place for missionaries, if you know what I mean. That's why they celebrated inside with a family!
4. A very interesting pet he and his companion found while out teaching one day.
5. This photo of of him "laying eggs" on Easter is proof he is still my son. He may be a wonderful missionary who serves the Lord every day, but he hasn't lost his ridiculous sense of humor in the process. That is good. I would miss it.


  1. Ahhhhhaaaahhhhhhhaaahaaaa (That's me, laughing out lout at that egg picture. That is SO funny! What a cute boy he is! I love it...and the butterfly card is, as usual, spectacular!!!

  2. what great pictures...they tell such a great story! and I love that he has such a great sense of humor!!!

  3. I'm so proud of my goofy brother. He is amazing and I really look up to him. I'm glad he is still a nerdo too :) Love the card!
