
Saturday, July 4, 2009


I created this 6" x 6" card for the CPS sketch this week (#123). LOVED this sketch (see sketch below). I really like the balance of the card and it was fast and easy to make it come together. And, how cool are those papers?

I made it to send to my missionary son, Easton. He is not only serving a 2 year mission away from home (Houston, Texas...Spanish speaking), but had some surgery this past week to remove a tumor in his arm...without anethesia. YIKES! I'm pretty sure Texas is in the United States and that they do have anesthesia there. What the heck?!!!! They didn't even give him shots in his arm to deaden the pain. We do not live in the dark ages. Hello! On top of that, a few days later he woke up to a blood soaked bed. All of his stitches had broken open. Who sewed him up? A 3 year old? So, Easton is my new hero!

I've included a photo of Easton and one of the other missionaries that was taken while they were cleaning up on Galveston Island after Hurricane Ike last year. I thought it was a hilarious photo. Don't get me wrong...I certainly didn't think what Ike did was funny...just that as the missionaries were cleaning up they could find some humor in the otherwise sad and devastated area. Easton's the one on the right. Have I mentioned he will be home in 6 1/2 more months? But who's counting, right? ME! I am so proud of him for what he is doing, but I will be so happy to hug this big kid when he gets home.

I used Close To My Heart products: It's a Guy Thing Level 2 Scrapbook Kit (X7091B), It's a Guy Thing MyStickease (X7091C), Square Window Charms (Z820), Autumn Buttons Z1283), Chocolate Waxy Flax (Z1088)

Feel free to click on this link to my website and then on "Shop Online" to order any of these products, or any others you might fall in love with.


  1. Oh my gosh, I can't believe anesthesia, that's nuts!

    Easton is my hero too!

    Great card!

    Hugs, Kelly

  2. Karen, love the card. One of my favorite paper packs. I hope CTMH comes out with something new and exciting to replace it. Back Country didn't do it for me. I know you are so proud of your young man. What a trooper! I remember at convention when they introduced the My Pages Talk recorder and the recording from Easton. Brought tears to my eyes.

  3. What a great masculine card!

  4. What a fantastic card...perfect for your son! What the anesthesia??!!! It all just sounds wrong...your son is quite the trooper.

  5. Lovin the card and still in shock and disgust about what your poor guy had to go through! I pray the next 6 months go by quickly for you!

  6. That is all a bummer about your Elder! I hope he is doing better, I have 2 nephews out...Oklahoma (in 2 weeks) and I in Puerto Rico (has been there about a 5 weeks)

    Love the card! You are so are hard for me...trying though....

  7. Great masculine card, Karen! Love the buttons :)
    OMG, no anesthesia? That's crazy... Hope the poor guy is feeling better, now.

  8. Wonderful card Karen. You did a great job!

  9. Fantastic card and wonderful post. I enjoyed reading it.

  10. Love your card, and your son is going to love it :)

  11. Love your artwork!! I am from Houston and it is hotter than Heck!! The lovely humidity makes the heat index even worse!

  12. Fabulous card... love the CTMH papers... and I bet he will love it!...HUGS...SK :)

  13. What a great looking card and what a great use of that CPS sketch.

  14. Wonderful button accents. Way to rock the CPS sketch this week.

    It's a good life!
    Terri E.
