
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Total Bummer

Last night did not turn out quite like we hoped. Lone Peak lost 30-9 to Bountiful. Total Bummer! The good news is that we moved the ball. The bad news was too many turnovers. The good news is that it is just one game. The bad news is that we still have a very tough schedule ahead. The good news is we can fix our mistakes and get better this week. More good than bad, I think. I admit I am not a very graceful loser and I really want a do-over. Tannon is bummed but believes we will be much better next week (we play Mountain Crest at their field).

Tannon had a good game at QB. He was 19-35 for 206 yards, one touchdown and one interception (darn!). He also rushed for about 25 yards.

The photos you see are from last night. There are a couple of Dan and I showing off my 'mom shirt.' We (the moms) had shirts made that said "Moms of the Knights" on the front and our son's last name on the back. The photo of Tannon (#10) was after he and the other captains met with the refs at the beginning of the game for the coin toss.

So, here's to a good effort, to a group of boys who gave their all, and to next week! Go Knights!


  1. Total Bummer! I was so sad last night. Oh, well Tannon played great and I think we worked out the beginning of the season kinks and will go kick some Mountain Crest tooshie next week :)

  2. Bummer. But I figure most teams will have at least 1 loss, right? I say better a loss a the beginning of the season than towards the end when it might count more.

    Cute shirt too.

  3. we lost too....21-44 sad! :( 7 turnovers! not cool! I am not a good looser either! Total bummer!...cute mom shirts though...I don't think the mom's here would do something like that. Football is only 19 years old here (and Rhett has coached 16 of them ~ this being the 16th year!)We are still trying to build a football tradition...takes time :P and I inpatient!LOL! Wish I could come to the CTMH shindig but with Football and small kids in school it won't work :( bummed about that! Good luck with the rest of your season!

  4. Hey you guys are coming to my neck of the woods! Your shirt is very cute and I hope the season gets better for your team.

  5. Too bad. So sorry for the bad news, but the good news is that you look FABULOUS in your moms of the knights shirt!!!!!
