
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Christmas Cards Anyone?

I've been working on designing a Christmas Card Workshop the past few weeks. Here's a sneek peak at what the cards look like (don't worry! Those numbers on the cards are just for reference in your cutting guide at the workshop. They aren't really on the cards, Silly!).

You'll get to make 10 cards, 2 of each for a total of 20 cards. I'll give detailed information about this workshop next week, but in the meantime I just wanted to give you some photos to wet your whistle (feel free to click on any card to see it larger).

The cards are made using the cuter than cute Jingle Creative Basics Paper Pack. Doncha (not a word but I like it) just LOVE this color combo? It makes me think of Candy Canes and Chocolate Mint Brownies. Mmmmmm!

Workshop Dates and Times (Mark Your Calendar!)
Tuesday, October 20, 10 am - 1 pm
Tuesday, October 20, 7 - 10 pm

at Karen Pedersen's Home (that's me) in Highland, UT.

Click here to check out my website 24/7...even when you're dreaming about making Christmas Cards at my workshop.


  1. I love these!!! Your artwork is amazing. Enjoy reading about your kids. I have two boys (only they are 6 and 4) so am looking forward to when they are in sports too!

  2. Beautiful Cards & workshop! You have a lucky group :)

  3. Wonderful as usual. By the way, I ended up meeting 9 out of 10 of the Idols, you really should go to a show!!

  4. cannot wait to get that paper combo! (that I got from you! YAY!) soooo excited! :) Wish I lived just enough closer so I could come!

  5. Seriously you are the most creative little lady ever! And I LOVE your comment about Stairway to Heaven, such a cool idea. See you next week.

  6. You are something else, Miss Karen. I love visiting your blog. Thanks.

  7. Look at what you've been up to! I wish I could be at your workshop. I'd just love to be taught by you!

  8. If I lived closer, I'd even join you. Sounds fun!

  9. Ohhhhh They are sooo good! I LOVE the creative basics papers. I think it was 6 months into being a CTMH consultant before I realized that there even were CB papers...sigh.
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful cards!

  10. Love your cards. Can I come???? Sure wish we lived closer! I'd be there in a heartbeat!

  11. Wow, these are fabulous, I want to come!

  12. Wow, wow your workshop is going to ROCK!!! Those cards are all fabulous!!!!!

  13. Pretty doggone clever my friend! Love how you added the chipboard snowflakes...and are using one of the wishes patterns (which are FAB!). Love it ALL!!! Hope you don't mind if it "inspires" me to lift!!!

  14. this is a beautiful set of cards! we are so lucky that we have these lovely papers to work with :) Have fun with the workshop!

  15. Sigh...can I be you in the next life??? These are beautiful. You're amazing!
