
Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Knights Do It Again

We did it! The Knights (#12 in the state going in to this game) beat undefeated Brighton (#7 before this game) in our region opener last night. WAHOO!

The Brighton Bengals' defense was stifling, but we did it anyway. In fact, before we played them last night, Brighton had allowed 0 (yes, ZERO!) points scored on them in their first 3 games this season. They had outscored their opponents so far this year 110-0. As mommy of the QB of the Lone Peak Knights I must admit this made me a little (OK, a LOT) nervous, but it didn't seem to bother Tannon one bit. He believed that not only could we score on them, but that they were beatable. We WON! 23-7.
And Tannon is still in one piece. How su-weet is that?

Brighton had a HUGE defensive lineman (6'4", 295 lbs.), Ricky Heimuli (#53) who gave this mom a little bit of trepidation. He has over 20 Division 1 scholarship offers and is a sacking machine. But, our offensive line (with 2 starters out to injury) gave Tannon plenty of time to throw and he was able to avoid any sacks by Heimuli...actually any sacks by anyone. THANK YOU, offensive line for saving my skinny little QB. There were a few close calls (you can see a couple in the photos) but the T-man is alive and kicking.

Tannon certainly didn't rack up the best stats of his career last night (11-20, 151 yards, 2 TD's, 0 Int's, 24 yds. rushing), but the important thing is that we won. I have to hand it to Brighton's defense. They were outstanding. We were very fortunate to move the ball at all on this team. Our defense had their best game of the season, too. They held Brighton to one touchdown which was scored in the 4th quarter.

Here are a few photos from the newspapers this morning (thanks to the Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune for taking these awesome pics! This scrappin' mom loves it when you do that!). You can read articles about the game here and here.


  1. that is sooo exciting!! So happy Tallon has an offensive line that does their job! (we don't know what that is like....good thing our QB is tough! lol...he really should be out...he must have 9 lives! LOL)...anyway good for the Knight team and your family!

  2. You can feel the excitement in your tone. My next door neighbor was one of the ref's and he said Tannon looked great on the field thats awesome

  3. That was such a fun game! It was fun to not only beat Brighton but also be the first team to score on them. Tannon played great and I was so proud of him!
