
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Time..what a strange concept

Isn't time funny? It seems when my children were little time went so much slower. As they have grown, in fact about the time they hit 3rd grade, it seems time warped. I feel like I blink and a day is gone, or even a week!

I was missing my missionary son, Easton today and decided to pull out his scrapbooks and look at pictures and re-live memories of him. As most of you know, he is serving a 2 year mission for our church. The last time I saw him in person was January 13, 2008. He will return home on January 26...4 more months. Anyway, back to my point. As I was looking through some of his books, I found this layout. I made this layout (click on the photo to see it larger) in January 0f 2007 when he signed his letter of intent to play football for Southern Utah University (SUU) after his mission. I'll never forget this day. He and his best friend, Trevor (also on a mission and returning in December) were both offered full-ride scholarships to SUU. Not only were they both excited about fulfilling their dreams of playing college football and having their educations paid for, but they were doubly excited to be able to do it together. Less than one year after this layout was made, they both left on their missions. That seems like yesterday in so many ways!
Easton and the little boy of one of the families he is teaching on his mission

Now, almost 3 years later, they are both coming home from their missions soon and will be heading to Southern Utah University in the Spring. And, to make it even more ironic, my younger son, Tannon has been given the same offer...full-ride scholarship to SUU to play football after he completes his 2 year mission. Deja vu!
Tannon playing football this year.


  1. You must be SOOOOO proud of your boys:-)
    Love your new background!!!!

  2. WOW, you must be one proud mom! Fantastic!

  3. That will be so fun for your boys to get to play together!

  4. what a fabulous family and blog....I stumbled upon your blog while hopping.....great style,have a wonderful week!

    enjoy *~*

  5. That is fantastic. I guess you will be making several road trips to SUU. On the flip side Easton's time has gone so so fast (for me-anyway). I am hoping it will go just as fast for my daughters misisonary. Anyway, tell Tannon congrats.

  6. My whole family went to SUU. My hubby and I met there. He played football there as well. Go T-birds!! It was a great school and I am so glad I went there!

  7. Oh, Karen. you must be incredibly proud of your boys and all that they are doing. These 4 months will breeze by and you'll soon have Easton home again. I am so happy for the richness of your family!
