
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

And The Winner Is...

We have a winner! Today I had Kori and Daci draw from the comments you all so kindly made after watching Tannon's video on my Shameless Bribery (Blog Candy) post. Here is the proof:

Kori prepares to draw one lucky comment out of the 28 that were posted
as Daci sucks on both of her lips (her newest trick)

Kori draws a lucky winner as Daci continues with her newest trick

Daci carefully reads the comment to be sure we post the right winner.
She concentrates so hard she forgets to suck on her lips.

Congrats to Amy who said,
"Seriously what a proud momma you should be, how cool is that Karen!! He's amazing by the way, what a little stud that "Tanner" hee hee! And I have to say what a creative way to get the word out huh? Sure do love your guts!"

Amy, email me at to let me know what you'd like for your $20 worth of free Close To My Heart products. You can view the catalog by clicking on the photo of the Autumn/Winter 2009 Idea Book on the left side of my blog. FUN!


  1. Karen, you always make everything so much fun! Daci is adorable - and sure is getting big!

  2. Are you serious!!!!!!!! I am freaking out right now, I never win anything, in fact I really just wanted to comment on how dang cool it is that Tannon was on the news. WOWZERS how cool for me huh? Okay, I will let you know, thanks girl. You've made my day you know!

  3. Oh and thanks cute Kori and Daci for picking me, love the pics!
