
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Edward who?

Post #3 today. Scary!

Don't laugh. OK, do...if you must. I am old enough to be this child's mother. But, isn't he a cutie patootie? Let me introduce you, "Everyone, this is Jacob." Seriously, you must admit, no matter how old you are, he is pretty darn hot (to use a word my kids would use).

Are any of you out there fans of "Twilight" (I'm not talking to you Kristine W. I already know how you feel! *wink*)? Well, I am and am so excited for "New Moon" to come out in about a month. The casting of Jacob for this series of movies couldn't have been more perfect in my opinion. So, in honor of the fact that I am a Team Jacob member (thanks for the shirt, Trace!), and was before any of the movies were made, and that I already knew in my imagination that this is what Jacob would be like after reading the books, and the fact that Edward is awesome but Jacob is more awesome (that's in honor of a lot of things), I am sharing this photo with all of you; proof positive that I picked the right team! How was that for a run on sentence? What I really meant to say was, "Edward Who?"

Lest you think I am a child stalker, I must tell you that I am a very happily married mother of 4 and grandmother of one. So there.


  1. I, too, am old enough to be his mother but still am right with you when it comes to this actor! I thought Bella was a complete idiot for not picking Jacob in the books and it became official when I saw this kid in the movie!

  2. I have not read any of the books, but yes your discription of "hot" is right on!

    I LOVE your blog, I go on it everyday, I love the family part of it aswell, I post family things also along with my creatie stuff on my blog!

    I lookforward to your posts everyday!

  3. This is am amazing photo! Taylor Lautner is actually from West Michigan where I live. He signed books when Breaking Dawn came out but that was right before my girls and I got the bug so we missed out.

    I too love your blog!

  4. Karen, you are cracking me up. I have a lot of mom friends who are fanpires, so I think you're in good company.

  5. How funny. For the record I have been a Jacob fan since reading the books as well. I have to admit this has not made me very popular. And I will have to see the movie for the "eye candy!"

  6. Karen, you make me laugh! Yes he is a hottie and they did a great job casting him to play Jacob...Can't wait to see New Moon.

  7. I don't know though, if we are looking at guys waaay too young, I think Zac Ephron is the cutest!!

  8. Karen,

    This post made me laugh. :-) I love your blog. Your artwork is always beautiful and inspiring. In fact I think I am a bit addicted - considering yours is the blog I make sure to check everyday!

    Thanks, Jennifer

  9. OH my...that sight is breath taking! heart is racing too. :)

  10. Couldn't agree more!!! I have loved Jacob from the one. He is awesome and Taylor Lautner is the icing on the cake. I am not old enough to be his mother, but am too happily married. Not too bad to look though! :)
