
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Grace - November Play Group Pages

Hello! I have had so much fun the past couple of days teaching Play Group classes for October. I still have a few more to go this week and they have been so much fun. Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE my customers? Well, I DO!

Here are the pages we will be making in November. You can email me ( for kit costs and to sign up, or if you have any questions. This is a kit you could easily make long distance, so if you are interested in participating that way, let me know as well.

In November we will be using the Grace kit. I love this paper. It is so rich and elegant and just feels like a warm fire on a cool Autumn evening. Woudn't you agree? Plus, I LOVE the sentiments in the MyStickease and in the text patterned paper. There is lots there about family, gratitude, blessings, etc.

Close To My Heart products featured in this Play Group class: Grace Level 2 Paper Packet (X7117B), Grace Level 2 MyStickease (X7117C), Cocoa Stamp Pad (Z2114), Basic Craft Buttons (Z1206), Rustic Edge Anchors (Z1287), Crystal Blue Waxy Flax (Z1247). Click here to order from my website 24/7, whether you are a Play Groupie or not!

November Play Group class dates and times:
Tuesday, November 10, 10 am - 1 pm
Tuesday, November 10, 7 - 10 pm
Wednesday, November 11, 10 am - 1 pm
Wednesday, November 11, 7 - 10 pm

Come join us at my home in Highland, UT for lots of fun at Play Group in November (or participate long distance!). You must reserve your spot and order your kit no later than November 5. Email me to do this (


  1. Those pages turned out really great! Love that paper. Can't wait to get to it tonight and start creating. Thanks for the comments!!

  2. I wish I could hop over once a month to your play group! I'd bet your customers love you as much as you love them!

  3. love it! way to be your own gal! you are an original!

  4. Very cute! I love what you did to the second layout. Very cute!
