
Friday, October 2, 2009

It's Play Time!

For those of you who are not members of my Play Groups (PG), and for those of you who are, I wanted to share photos of the three two-page layouts we will be making this month (October) in my PG Classes. Feel free to click on any photo in this post to see it larger. This month I am featuring the Twitterpated Paper Pack and matching MyStickease as well as Natural Hemp (Z280), Designer Ribbon Rounds Chocolate Collection (Z1127), and Dimensional Elements in Color-Organic (Z1230). We meet at my home in Highland, UT. It's tons of fun and I'm confident you'll LOVE it!

The class dates and times are:
Tuesday, October 6, 10 am - 1 pm
Tuesday, October 6, 7 - 10 pm
Wednesday, October 7, 10 am - 1 pm
Thursday, October 8, 7 - 10 pm

If you have not yet signed up to attend, it's not too late. I have 2 basic kits ($27.13...includes shipping and tax) still availabe. Email me to sign up (

You can read details of how my Play Groups work on the left side of my blog under the heading "Play Group Information". It's lots of fun and much needed 'play time' for grown up girls.

I will be sharing November's Play Group pages later this week, too! Just so you can check your calendar now, here are November's dates:
Tuesday, November 10, 10 am - 1 pm
Tuesday, November 10, 7 - 10 pm
Wednesday, November 11, 10 am - 1 pm
Wendesday, November 11, 7 - 10 pm

Oh gosh, I might as well give you a little sneak peek. Here is one of the three two-page layouts for November just to wet your whistle. Stay tuned this week for the others.


  1. Wow, such fabulous stuff! Wish I could come to your Playgroup - it is my kind of playgroup!

  2. I love that can get photos on layouts so quickly. I usually struggle with that aspect. Cutting and pasting is the easy part.

  3. Great layouts Karen. Your play groups sound like fun.

  4. Wish I could come and play! Great layouts!

  5. Love how all of your layouts turned out!!!!
