
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Monster Cookies

I saw a recipe in the newspaper last week and I just HAD to try it. Not only did it look delicious, it was GLUTEN FREE! That is major deal in our family since Kori and Easton both have Celiac Disease, as do my father-in-law and one of our nephews.

I had NO IDEA how HUGE these cookies would be. The recipe said it made 6 dozen, but that didn't freak me out until I started making the dough. The dough filled 2 of the largest tupperware bowls (you know, those huge ones with the lids) when I was all done making it. The fact that it said in the recipe that you scoop the dough with a 1/4 cup measuring cup and form it into balls, or the fact that you can only put 6 cookies on a large cookie sheet to bake ought to have been a clue. But I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention. When I put in 12 eggs and 4 C. of brown sugar and 4 C. of white sugar I began to get the picture. This recipe makes a TON of cookies. I'm thinking you could half the recipe and be fine, but I haven't tried that yet.

The cookies were delicious and I sent a huge box of them to Easton in Houston on his mission. I will add my notes in italics in the recipe. If any of you try this and half the recipe, let me know how it turns out.

Monster Cookies (recipe found in the Daily Herald last week)
Makes 6 dozen (4 1/2" - 5") cookies

12 eggs
4 C. brown sugar
4 C. white sugar
1 Tbs. vanilla
1 Tbs. light corn syrup
2 Tbs. plus 2 Tea. baking soda
5 C. peanut butter (I used smooth)
2 C. butter, softened
18-20 C. old fashioned oatmeal (I used Quaker brand. To be sure your oats are gluten free, check the label. It should say 'gluten free'. If it doesn't, check to see where they are manufactured. Oats manufactured in the U.S. should now be gluten free)
1 lb. milk chocolate chips
1 lb. M&M's chocolate candy

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix eggs, sugars, vanilla, light corn syrup, baking soda, peanut butter and butter together. (I was using the hugest tupperware bowl. At this point I split the dough into 2 huge tupperware bows. I then added half the oatmeal to each bowl). Add oatmeal. Stir until blended. Use hands if necessary (it was for me) to mix thoroughly. Add chocolate chips and M&M's. Stir in.

Form into balls using 1/4 C. of dough. Place 6 balls on each large cookie sheet and flatten with the bottom of a saucer. Bake 12-15 min. (I have a convection oven and it was almost exactly 12 minutes for me). Cool on cookie sheet for 10 minutes (I found this is very important!).

Note: These cookies and/or the dough freeze very well.


  1. My mom is Celiac!!! She has not yet found oats she can tolerate...but I will save this awesome recipe in hopes that she someday will.
    Have a happy day!

  2. Aren't these cookies great? I made some a few months back and still have some left in the freezer! It was a lot of work, but they are yummy! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow! That is one serious cookie recipe!

  4. I am going to forward this recipe to my friend whose 15 yr old son has celiac. Not a fun disease. I am sure Easton will LOVE the cookies!

  5. Karen,
    Your cookies were nothing short of fabulous. I also shared the ones you gave me with Faisal and he loved me for it. Can't wait to try them myself but I think I will half the recipe.
    thanks for being such a great friend

  6. I make these cookies often. I love it that it makes such a big batch. Here's a tip if you have anybody who doesn't appreciate the texture of the oatmeal (my kids, for one!): Put the oatmeal in the blender before mixing it in the recipe to turn the oatmeal into a powder. Works like a charm to give the cookies a smoother texture with the same great taste.

  7. oh Karen thanks for the great recipe! I copied it for my Mom who found out last year she is gluten intolerant. I know she will appreciate it! hugs to you!

  8. I was browsing your blog and happened to see a "gluten free" tag on the left. So happy to find this...I'm gluten-intolerant...totally trying these :)
