
Monday, October 19, 2009


I was checking some of my favorite sketch sites this morning and when I clicked on Card Patterns, I was thrilled and surprised to see that I made the top 6 this week with my "Joy" card. I have to admit that I wasn't so sure about this card. The color combo was a stretch for me, but I am so happy and honored that someone else liked it! lol. Plus, the other 5 cards are to die for and I am just so excited to be chosen with them.

Thank you, Card Patterns for choosing me as a top 6 again. You guys rock!

If you are interested in knowing which Close To My Heart products I used to make this card, click here.

Click here to order from my website 24/7, especially after Card Patterns picks your card!


  1. Congrats Karen...that's very exciting!

  2. Congrats..that card is awesome.

  3. and they don't even know how cool you are and that you put together the absolutely most unlikely pair of paper packs! They just know a great card when they see it. Loved it before, still love it!-Melissa

  4. Congrats to you! Well deserved!

  5. How you can have very nice blog like this ,I am enjoy to read and watch pictures in your blog, thank you for nice blog

  6. I can sure see why it won. It's gorgeous and I can't believe you weren't sure of it. I LOVE it so much!

    And I want to ditto what Nani said, "I am enjoy to read and watch pictures in your blog, thank you for nice blog." (So cute!)

  7. My sis-in-law makes those apples they are to DIE for. I love them! Congrats on your card. It is beautiful as is the rest of your work!
