
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Studio J...I Got to Play Today!

I got to play with Studio J today! Hey, that rhymed. I'm a poet and I didn't even know it! Don't worry. I'll quit the rhyming now and stick with something I am kind of good at...scrapbooking!

I told you several months ago about a brand new program that Close To My Heart is coming out with called Studio J. It is Close To My Heart's version of digital scrapbooking...but since it is so much better than any other digital program out there, we are calling it Studio Scrapbooking. It will be available during the first quarter of 2010 for customers. Hold on to your britches! You will love it. Being the lucky girl I am, and because I am a Close To My Heart Consultant who attended Leadership Conference 2009, I get to 'play' early. In the past day I have already made two beautiful two page layouts. I am in awe of how easy to use this program is and how gorgeous the layouts are. WOWZA!

I have included a screen shot (feel free to click on it to see it larger) of one of the layouts I worked on today. It is a layout of my son, Easton who is on a mission. Sidenote: Easton gets home 2 months from last Thursday. WOO HOO!

Anyway, I just had to share. I know you are going to love this program as much as I do when you get a chance to play as well.

While you are waiting for it to go live, you can register as a member of the Studio J website for FREE, and that will make you eligible to have a chance to win a brand, new Cocoa Linen Album. To do that, go to and register in the upper right hand corner. There is also a link here to watch a special video that shows a little more about this awesome new tool.

So, what do you say? Don't you wish you could play today? It will be worth the wait. When you get to play, you'll think it's A-O-Kay! Sorry! I just couldn't resist.


  1. Love the layout, I know you miss Easton terribly. He will be home soon! Woohooo!

  2. Wow! These really ARE going to be unique to each individual just like Classic Scrapbooking is!! This layout is very nice. Thanks for sharing, Karen!

  3. Love it! How long did it take to do this one layout? I wish it had been out when I started Rick's mission scrapbook! I think this is definitely the way to go with a big scrapbook you are trying to get done :)

  4. Love the layout Karen. What a totally different look of the vintage travel paper.

    stamping hugs,

  5. So cute. I hope you plan to be my personal tutor once I get to play. I may have to make a cute layout like that for my daughter of her darling missionary.
