
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thanks, Memories, 10 and 15!

Thanks: As I mentioned earlier this week, I taught a scrapbook class for many of the ladies at church this week. It was such fun. I also wanted to make sure that anyone who wanted to attend could, and that the $5 fee for the two page layout didn't deter anyone from coming and enjoying themselves. I created a free card that anyone could make, whether they were scrapbookers or not, and whether they could pay for the scrapbook page or not. Several ladies came and took me up on it. I needed to design a very simple and inexpensive card since I was offering it as a free gift from me to them. This is what I came up with.

Free card:

I think a good time was had by all. I included some photos of a few of the attendees.

Debbie, working away:

Janalynn creating her masterpiece:

Terry and Anne. Scrapbooking is so much fun!:
Mallory. Isn't she cute?

Memories: As the time nears for my son, Easton to return from his mission, I am reminded of sweet memories that seem like yesterday. I have included a few photos here of the day that he received his mission call. We had a big party for him and his friend, Trevor who received his call the same day. Trevor's mom has a pre-school with quite a bit of room so we all went there, along with about 75 of Easton and Trevor's friends. They each sat on a chair in the middle of the room and opened the envelopes that had arrived in the mail that day from Church Headquarters letting them know where they would be serving their 2 year missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Trevor opened his first. He was headed to Alberta, Calgary, Canada. Lots of hugs and tears ensued. Then it was Easton's turn. You can see by the close up of me the emotion I felt as I watched him find out his future for the next two years. Houston, Texas, Spanish Speaking. More tears, hugs and excitement. What an evening that was! And now, two years later, we feel the same anticipation and excitement as we anticipate his return.

A proud mommy moment:

Easton reading the call:
Congratulations, Son!

10: Ten more days until Easton gets home! CAN'T WAIT!

15: Fifteen more days to take advantage of the awesome Felicity promotion this month with Close To My Heart. Click here to order from my website 24/7...especially during National Papercrafting Month (January).


  1. KAREN!!!! you are so not going to believe this!!! But the Mallory that you have a picture of is MY sister in laws little sister!!! I totally KNOW her!!! That is sooo cool ... such a small world! I am glad she came! So do you know Mallory's mom Lou? Oh My Gosh!!! So cool is that! You will have to tell Mallory hello for me!

  2. Karen,
    I can certainly relate to your feelings as you count down the days 'till your boy (man!) comes home. Know that you & your family are in my prayers.
    Love ya friend.

  3. What lovely pictures of you and Easton!

  4. Sounds like you had a good time at your crop! It was so thoughtful of you to offer a freebie make & take!

    I'm so excited for you to see your son, again, soon!

  5. I can't believe how fast that went. I am so excited for you. That card is just beautiful!

  6. This looks like so much fun!! I wish I could have come, for the fun, but your layouts were so cute. I had a class that night, otherwise, I would have love to join this fun!
