
Friday, January 22, 2010

Where the Creating Happens and FOUR!

This is where all the creating happens for me; my scrap room. It's simple and pretty basic, but it works for me.My customers (Play Groupies) ask me all the time if they can see it. "Well," I say. " I would be more than happy to show you if you could actually walk in there. But, it is like a minefield right now." How embarrassing that it is like that 90% of the time. Today is one of the 10% that it is actually clean, everything is put away, and it is semi-presentable. So I thought I'd take some photos to remind myself how it really can look if I am disciplined and clean up after myself each time I create.

There is something about having a son come home from a 2 year mission that makes a girl want to make sure that the WHOLE STINKIN' HOUSE is perfect for him. Dan-the-Man thinks I have lost it. I have made him clean out every drawer in his desk, his hunting storage closet, the garage, his clothes closet. He is beginning to feel like Cinderella. Tannon is currently asleep on his bed at 3:30 in the afternoon. He didn't have classes this morning so I put him to work hauling out all kinds of things to the trash and to storage. I have exhausted him. Dawson has been lucky enough to not have had a spare second this week to help me, what with school, basketball, and choir. But, he is in for a day of workin' until he drops tomorrow. Lucky boys! I think I have them wishing that Easton was not really coming home in FOUR DAYS ( The countdown continues...)! Kori has been an angel and spent so much time helping me WILLINGLY! Everyone needs one daughter!

Anyhoo, back to the scrap room. It's CLEAN!

Things I Love about my Scrap Room:
  • my little cubby hole closet
  • my ikea bookshelf full of stamps and dimensional elements
  • my wall of paper!
  • my iMac
Things I Would Change about my Scrap Room:
  • It would be bigger (of course!) for more goodies and would have more wall space for current projects and photos of the people I love
  • I would paint the walls a color that is more inspiring to me than the current golden color on the walls. I LOVE this color for a family room where I want to feel all cozy...but not for a scrap room where I need to feel energetic and inspired. I think I would paint it a color like Close To My Heart's delicious Sweet Leaf.
  • I would take out the black furniture and accents and stick with all white
  • I would do hardwood floors and a large area rug instead of wall to wall carpeting

Well, I'm off to get ready to go and watch Tannon play a basketball game. GO KNIGHTS! Dawson's team played three games this week and won them all! Dawson scored 22 points yesterday! WOO HOO! Tannon and the Knights played our cross town rival on Wednesday night (American Fork High School) and won (67-47. Tannon had 18.). I'm crossing my fingers for another big win tonight.


  1. Love it, Karen!
    You are so organized!

  2. i am sooo jealous...right now along with MANY other scrappers a toter...I tote it out and tote it away. I have a folding table in my family room. someday I will get my scraproom...don't know when that will be...probably when I start pounding nails! lol! I love your room! :)Good luck at the game ours was canceled due to the snow storms...we were to go to blanding...ugh..long drive.

  3. Lucky lady! I look forward to the day when I can have a scraproom of my own...Have a great weekend! ;)

  4. I love those paper holders...can u share where you got them...Ikea?

  5. I have always thought that simple and basic can lead to creativity. It definitely works for you! What a beautiful room.

  6. I LOVE, LOVE, LOOOVVVEEEE your room! It is SOOO organized!!!! And you have SOOO many stamps!!! WOW! Thanks for sharing!

    Now I need to go clean my scrap's NEVER ENDING!!! LOL

  7. Your room is perfect!! (and oh so very clean:-) Love all your storage!!

  8. Love your space! It's gorgeous! And my oh my I'd love to have all those stamps :)

  9. Karen
    You're nesting :) It's a great feeling, isn't it?!

    May you enjoy the next few days until the Big E is home..

  10. How blessed to have such a beautiful room with so much storage! I have my own room, but it's mismatched shelves, etc. - whatever I could pick up on sale. Stop cleaning and enjoy the next few days. You'll want to be rested when Easton comes home!

  11. Love your scrap room Karen! You are very organized! I am in the process of planning cabinetry for hubby to build in my office. My plan is to have painted distressed black...sort of Pottery Barn black. Hope he has time to make them this winter! Thanks for sharing your lovely room!

  12. Love your room, Karen! I was wondering - do you just put your dimensional elements in the stamp organizers or do you actually put them in the 6x6 envelopes that the stamps come in and then put them in the organizers? I love the idea!

  13. Great scraproom Karen! I would love all that storage!! I'm still working at decluttering and organising my space...such a big job.
