
Monday, February 15, 2010

Board Meeting Invitations

Some of you know that I am the president of the Women's Organization at our church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as "The Mormons." I LOVE these women. Twice a year we have a board meeting. There are over 30 women on the board who make our organization tick. I appreciate so much the service that they each give to make our Relief Society so wonderful. There are countless women and families in our area whose lives have been touched by the time and energy and love of the women on the board of this organization. Just this past two weeks alone we had births of 3 babies and a funeral. Food was provided for each of the families of the new babies for 3 days each and a family luncheon after the graveside service was provided for the family that lost a dear family member. These are the kinds of things the Relief Society does. I'm so proud to be part of such a wonderful organization.

I spent the morning today making reminder invitations for the members of the board for our meeting. This is the invitation I came up with. It's pretty simple, as I needed to not only get over 30 done today (that's what I get for procrastinating) but also delivered. As simple as they are, I still think they came out pretty. How can I miss with the wonderful products that CTMH provides?

Close To My Heart products used: Silhouette Creative Basics Collection (retired), Black Cardstock (1386), Colonial White Cardstock (1388), Black Stamp Pad (Z2105), Hollyhock Stamp Pad (Z2128), Heartfelt Stamp Set (B1297), Autumn Garden Mini-Medley Collection (Z1119), Designer Ribbon Rounds Hollyhock Collection (Z1122).

Click here to order from my website 24/7...especially when making invitations!


  1. These are so nice...I love the font you chose!

  2. Beautiful! I wish I had your energy!

  3. Lovely! What a treasure for your committee!

  4. Karen, there is nothing simple about these invitations. They are beautiful. I need to make an invitation for my boss for bosses day at a dinner theater. I might copy your style.I don't think bosses day is any time soon, but for some reason we celebrate it in March.

  5. Very pretty, Karen! Considering most church reminders are done on a quarter sheet of paper and taped to a mailbox...I think you out did yourself as usual. :) I am in Activity days, which I love, and I have used my CTMH stuff like crazy for that. It's a good resource!

  6. This announcement is beautiful! Your ladies are so lucky to have someone that goes above and beyond for them!

  7. The women of Relief Society ARE amazing!! What a lovely invitation to send your board!

  8. As a recipient of the 3 day meals and a board member... I appreciate ALL that you do!! You are VERY inspiring!!!

  9. Gorgeous!!

    ~Cheryl @prettypapermoon
