
Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Final D

This is my 2nd post today so be sure to scroll down to see the "Unexpected D" post.

I used the sketch from CPS this week (great simple sketch!) to make Dan-the-Man's Valentine. Boy, do I love this guy. Of course he is not perfect, but then again, neither am I. We both make mistakes, do stupid things, and hurt each other's feelings at times, but the good news is that we both know how to say "Sorry." You know that old saying, "Love means never having to say I'm sorry"? Well, this is what I have to say to that: Bull PUCKY! Love means saying you are sorry A LOT and then doing your best never to do the same dumb thing again.

I am so grateful for a husband who loves me in spite of my faults (which are many!) and who thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world (even though I am carrying around an extra 3o pounds the past year). He makes me laugh, he supports me in everything I do, and he is the best dad and grandpa around. He loves the gospel, honors his priesthood, and attends the temple often. I'd say I hit the jackpot. And on top of all of that, he is a BIG DUDE (6'4", 300+lbs.)! I knew when I married him, no matter how pregnant I got, or if I happened to gain a few pounds, I would always look little next to this guy! How's that for a reason to be in love? HAHAHAHA!

Seriously, we have been through almost 25 years of marriage, the births of 4 children 1 grandchild, sick and injured children, building homes, experiencing deaths of family members, graduating from college, playing college football, the Mrs. Utah and Mrs. USA pageants,unemployment and so many things together. There is no one I would have rather traveled down this road with. I love you, Dan-o!

Close To My Heart products used: Black Cardstock (1386), Colonial White Cardstock (1388), Silhouette Creative Basics Collection (retired), Cranberry Ribbon Rounds (Z1209), Essential Brad Assortment (Z1219), Holiday Craft Buttons (Z1285), Nature's Ambiance Rubons (Z1097).

Click here to order from my website 24/7...especially when you're in love!


  1. Oh my goodness, that card is amazing! LOVE the colors and really, really love the buttons! Great use of that CPS sketch.

  2. Wow! Love all those yummy buttons!! Hope your Valentine's Day is special!

  3. Wow....I love the button heart!!!! Another gorgeous card!!!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Oh, there was a card in this post? I personally couldn't get past the wonderful things you said about Dan. What a lovely woman you are. I'd say you are BOTH lucky.
    Happy Valentine's Day friend!

  5. Great post, Karen! I love the card, but your words are so true. My husband and I have shared 23 Valentine's Day and said, "Sorry" often enough to be able to have another to celebrate. LOL Have a wonderful day!
