
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Super Bowl and a Recipe

We were invited to a family friend's house (Mike, Susan and their boys) for the Super Bowl. We have always done a family Super Bowl party here at our house so we were a little leary to accept and change our tradition. But, I'm glad we did. We had a "SUPER" time! You can see my post of a Super Bowl layout I did to chronicle our usual family Super Bowl traditions here.

Our three boys. It's so good to have them all back together again.
Dan and I chillin' on the couch at Mike and Susan's house
Kori and Rick enjoying the game
Easton (what a beautiful face), Dawson and little Daci
Daci having fun at the party

The house was divided between the Saints and the Colts but no matter who you were cheering for, you have to admit it was a good game. In fact, I might even venture to say that is was my favorite Super Bowl ever.

The company was great and the food was delicious: home made ribs, baked potatoes, garlic bread, corn and green salad, 7 layer Mexican dip, all kinds of munchies, chocolate dipped strawberries, homemade 'cake balls', and chocolate pies. I told you a little bit about Susan here. She has her own candy company and is a master cook and 'dipper', and one of the kindest and best hostesses around.

Here is the recipe for my 7 layer Mexican dip (it's great with tortilla chips, fritos, triscuits, wheat thins, etc.):

Karen's 7 Layer Mexican Dip:
1 can refried beans (I like the Taco Bell brand best. They are the moistest)
guacamole (see recipe below, or cheat and buy some at the store. But, it won't be as good! lol)
2 1/2 - 3 C. sour cream
2 envelopes taco seasoning mix
2-3 C. shredded cheddar cheese
2-3 roma tomatoes (I like to use romas because they are 'meatier')
1 can sliced black olives
green onions

1. Spread can of refried beans evenly on a platter or dish (I use a fun rectangle platter that I have that has kind of deep sides, but you could even use a 9" x 13" casserole dish if you want)
2. Make guacamole and spread this evenly over layout of baked beans.
3. Mix sour cream and taco seasoning together in separate bowl and then spread on top of guacamole layer (I like the sour cream/taco seasoning layer to be pretty thick. If you like it thinner, just do one envelope of seasoning and 1 1/2 c. sour cream)
4. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top
5. Chop roma tomatoes and put this on next
6. Then come the olives.
7. Last are the green onions

Refrigerate until serving. DELISH!

Karen's Guacamole* (I once had the GREATEST guacamole ever at a restaurant in San Antonio. They made it right at our table. I took good notes and this is the recipe I came up with based on that):
2 lg. ripe avacados
1 Tbs. finely chopped green onion
1/2 tea. salt
dash oregano
1 Tbs. orange juice
1 Tbs. lemon juice
1 Tbs. lime juice
few drops of red pepper sauce

*I usually double this recipe for the 7 layer dip.


  1. I LOVE 7-layer dip! another good thing to put in guacamole -- cilantro!!! YUMMY!

    Looks like you-all had a great time!

  2. I am going to be such a bad mom and serve this for dinner tonight! I just picked up Avocados 3 for $1 and Romas 2 lbs for $1 at the store and then saw THIS post! YUMMY! TFS!

  3. I'll have to try your guacamole recipe for Jerry. I have a recipe that's a little different, but this one sounds yummy too!

  4. Oh looks like fun and the recipe looks so yummy!
