
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thanksgiving Layout

Remember earlier this week, when I gave you a sneak peek at something I was working on? Well, here is the whole project. I am quite happy with how it turned out. I don't usually do a lot of hand stitching on projects, but for this one I decided to give it a whirl. Feel free to click on any image to see it larger.

The darling Close To My Heart felt pieces are sooo much fun to use, with or without stitching. They come with three 12" x 12" sheets of felt, each a different color and with different images and there are two different sets of these to choose from: Wonder (chocolate, olive and twilight) and Whimsy (buttercup, garden green and tulip). I used a few pieces from each set.

The stitching around the felt pieces is hand done with the great Embroidery Floss collections that CTMH carries. I used the Neutral Assortment here.

After stitching all of those leaves and flowers, I was DONE with hand stitching, but I really wanted the outside of my layout to have some cute stitching on it to tie it all together. So, I 'cheated'...with the versatile "Across the Board" rubons. LOVE those cross stitches that took a whole 30 seconds to apply all the way around.

Close To My Heart products used: 12" x 12" Basic Textured Cardstock Combo Pack (X5747...don't forget if you order a package of this in February, you get one FREE...and you help the medical relief efforts in Haiti at the same time!), Colonial White Cardstock (1385), Chocolate Cardstock (X5643), Jingle Level 2 Paper Pack (X7115B), Irresistibles Lots of Dots Letters (Z1261), Olive Marker (Z2337), Chocolate Stamp Pad (Z2111), Wonder HeartFelt Die Cuts (Z1210), Whimsy HeartFelt Die Cuts (Z1145), Across the Board Rubons (Z1231), Basic Craft Buttons (Z1206), Neutral Assortment Embroidery Floss (Z1096).

Click here to order from my website 24/7...especially if you are just getting around to scrapping Thanksgiving 2 1/2 months later, like me!


  1. Love how you used Non traditional colors and papers for Thanksgiving.....gorgeous!!

  2. This is really pretty! Love the stitching. I saw the thread through the button holes do you tend to sew your buttons to your layout or just thread the holes and glue the button on?

  3. Very pretty! Cant believe the stitching around the layout are rub ons. Great job :)

  4. This layout turned out great mom! I can't believe you spent all that time hand stitching. You are truly dedicated! Love ya!

  5. So pretty! The handstitching was well worth it! Ir adds just the right touch.

  6. I lvoe the stitching Karen. Truly a work of "heart."

  7. Love it!!! I am going to have to stitch my felt (ok that sounds kind of funny).
