
Thursday, March 4, 2010

All Good Things Must Come To An End

Lone Peak (and my Tan-Man) lost in the 5A Utah State High School Basketball Tournament on Tuesday night. Sadness at the Pedersen home. We lost to Bingham High School (the #1 team in the state, they were 19-1 when we played). We played a good game, fought a good fight, and did our best. What more can you ask? We just came out on the wrong end of the score. We finished the season 17-6. Not too shabby.

Tannon had a good game with 17 points. He finished the regular season as the number one 3-point shooter in the state and one of the the top overall scorers in the state (5A, averaged over 16 points per game). Not bad, little boy! We are proud of you. It was a sad day to watch the loss because that meant it was the last time I would get to watch him play high school basketball....ever (Note to blog readers: that explains why you have not seen anything creative from me for a day or two. As you know, I HATE to lose {something I desperately need to work on}! I spent the day yesterday in my sweats watching my dvr'd American Idol from the night before and anything else that allowed me to stay on the couch with my blankie!).

Here are some photos that were taken of Tannon at the playoff game against those darn Bingham Miners (thanks to the Deseret News for the awesome photos!). Love you, T-man!

I guess the good news is that he can now move on to other things that have been on the back burner. He plans to ask someone to the prom tonight (our prom is March 27 this year...weird!) and he even got busy on a homework assignment last night that is not even due until next week. WOW! Miracles never cease.

Maybe I'll put on some real clothes today (not just sweats) and actually clean my house and create something pretty to share tomorrow. Until then....


  1. Big hugs to you, Karen. Changes in our kids sure are hard on us mothers. Can't wait to see what pretty things you come up with!

  2. Hugs, Karen! You (and TanMan) will get go on to greater things!

    I just need to say what absolutely terrific photos you have! These really capture the effort, the concentration - I feel like I was right there! I wish I could take photos like these . . .

  3. Big HUGS Karen!! It is always so sad to see something come to a close...especially when it ends in a loss. I'm that way, too, not liking to lose...AT ALL...something I definitely need to work on as well. Once more...BIG HUGS!

  4. oy, Karen! So sorry to hear about the "loss"...but hey, nuttin wrong with loungin around in your sweats.
    We all need that at one time or another and I like hearing others do the same thing I do. (well in my case, yoga pants!)
    Now get outta that funk, sistah and get to creating!

  5. When one door closes, another opens! I'm with Miss n da Hood there! Start creating! (Unlike myself who is still in jammies)

  6. I have something for you on my blog.
