
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gratitude and Celebration

If you follow my blog, you probably know that my hubby, Dan-the-Man has been unemployed for the past 18 months. After working as a Pharmaceutical Rep for over 20 years, when he was laid off a year and a half ago we never dreamed it would take this long to find another good job.

Dan-the-Man has spent the past 18 months substitute teaching and picking up any odd job he could find. I have been so proud of him for the way he has handled this. He has refused to let it destroy his self-esteem and rarely has a down day.

Well (drum roll please...) TODAY IT ALL ENDED! Yes, I know I am shouting! I mean to shout! I am shouting for JOY! Dan was offered a job today doing something he will love. We are so filled with gratitude right now we can hardly contain ourselves. In fact, if you thought you felt an earthquake a few hours ago, no worries. It was just the Pedersens in Utah celebrating!

MANY THANKS to all of you who have remembered us in your prayers. We appreciate it more than you will ever know.


  1. Karen!!!! WONDERFUL news on so many levels!
    Congratulations to both of you. I too know how tough a layoff can be, although mine was after 5 years of loyalty to a company. It's tough but so glad you survived and prevailed!!

    Go celebrate!!!

  2. I am so happy for you and your husband!

  3. Oh Karen I am so happy for Dan and you!

  4. That is wonderful new's Karen!! When I saw the icon on my blog my first though was your son got his letter for his 2 year journey! I am so happy for you and Dan!

  5. Tears of Joy my friend! We are both blessed today! Big Hugs!

  6. Ohhhhhhh sooooooooooo fantabulous!! y'all have been in my prayers!! I'm so happy and excited for you!!! BIG HUGS!!!

  7. Oh, what a blessing for you and your family...Congrats to your hubby and blessings to all of you! Hugs :)

  8. What a blessing to see an answered prayer! Doing cartwheels for you and raising up prayers of thanks!!

  9. Karen,
    So happy to hear your news! What an answer to prayer.
    stamping hugs,

  10. Karen!
    Yippeeeee! God is SO good! Big congratulations to you!

  11. I could not be more happy for you and Dan! I am so glad he got something he will enjoy too! You are the most deserving family. So happy!

  12. YEAH!!!! I am so happy for you and your family :-) Thanks so much for sharing this!

  13. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE for your kind comments and all of your prayers and support. The Pedersen Family appreciates it so much!

  14. I hope your feet don't feel the ground for awhile. Congratulations to you and your family. I am jumping for joy with you!

  15. Great big congrats hugs and tears of joy for you and your family! Thanks for sharing your wonderful news!!

  16. Karen, I am sooo happy for you and your family!!! That is SO awesome!!! I think your family is pretty amazing and maybe one day I will get to meet you! Congrats!!!

  17. Such good news, so happy for you Karen!!

  18. I did feel that earthquake- couldn't be happier for the both of you!!!

  19. I truly thought it was the BIG one here in Cali!
    Congrats to all and to Dan the Man for not giving up!
