
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dawson!

16? You have got to be kidding me? When and how did this happen? My baby cannot possibly be 16 today. Okay, I guess he is. 16 years ago this morning I gave birth to my last munchkin, Dawson. I LOVE this kid.

Some of my favorite things about Dawson:
  • He still gives me big hugs without being bribed.
  • He is not afraid to tell me he loves me, even in front of his friends.
  • He makes up the goofiest little sayings and uses them all the time. Over and over and over.... Okay, maybe this in one of my favorite things sometimes and one of my least favorite things sometimes.
  • He understands that the choices he makes now can affect his future.
  • He loves to tell me every little detail about whatever he is doing. I love men who TALK! {I even married a guy that does this! WOO HOO!}
I hope your day is PERFECT, Daws! I LOVE YOU!


  1. wow happy birthday Dawson! It doesnt seem like your old enough Karen to have your baby be that old!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday Dawson Dear! I can't believe my "baby" brother is 16! Ah!
