
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More Splendor from Close To My Heart

Yesterday I shared a photo of a beautiful layout created with the brand new (being released on May 1) Splendor Kit. Did I wet your whistle for some new products a little? I hope so!

I'm so excited for Saturday when you can actually see the new Close To My Heart Summer 2010 Idea Book on my blog and look inside and see the Splendor kit, as well as the new Cherry-O kit (click here and here to see some artwork that I've already shown you with that kit), and 2 other new kits: Passages and Zippidee.

I spent the day designing my Play Group scrapbook classes for July in which we will be using the Zippidee Kit. The Zippidee collection is perfect for Disneyland photos. I have the best job in the world! I can't wait to show you the June (made with Cherry-O) and July Play Group projects soon.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share some more Splendor artwork today. Have you noticed that so much of the papercrafting artwork you are seeing in magazines and on many scrapbooking sites are featuring clouds? Well, Splendor brings you some nice, fluffy, white ones! The colors in this summery kit are Goldrush, Heavenly Blue, Moonstruck and Topiary. It makes me want to pack a picnic and go to the park!

By the way, did you go to my website and play (for free!) with Studio J yesterday? I'd love to hear what you thought! If you haven't yet, go give it a try. You'll want to be sure and create an account so your projects are saved for when you want to purchase them. You're gonna love it, baby!

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