
Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Cherry-O Line from Close To My Heart

Have you noticed that cherries are all the rage in scrapbooking products, papers, linens, and even clothing lately? Lest you think that Close To My Heart missed the boat, let me assure you that they certainly did not! You just have to wait until May 1 and you will have your fill of delicious cherry themed papers, stamps and accessories. May 1 is when the Summer Idea Book goes live and you will be able to view it right here on my blog. Be sure to check back then and look for the cover on the left side of my blog. By clicking on it you'll be able to view it page by scrumptious page.

In the meantime, just to wet your whistle, I thought I'd share a photo of some of the Cherry-O products (Feel free to click on the photo to see it larger. I know you want to see every yummy detail!) and a darling layout of my friend, Monica's beautiful little daughter, Melia. The Cherry-O line uses the CTMH color mix of Tulip, Blush, Chocolate, Sweet Leaf, Crystal Blue and Colonial White. Tasty!

I really am trying to enjoy every minute of my life and "live in the moment" (isn't that the catch phrase of the last year or two?), but I can't help getting excited about this new Idea Book and the upcoming National Scrapbooking Month "Miracle" kit. Click here to see a little sneaky peeky of that. You'll see ANOTHER one of Monica's beautiful daughters in that post, Ariana. She sure makes beautiful children, doesn't she?

In the meantime, there are so many wonderful products available RIGHT NOW through CTMH. Live in the moment, right? Click here to enter my website and order some (24/7!). You can view the current Idea Book (Spring 2010) by clicking here.


  1. Karen,

    You are SO GOOD! You have such a way with words and just make life FUN! You make me want to hold my breath until May 1st to see what you are going to post - AND I ALREADY HAVE THE IDEA BOOK!! LOL! I've always said I want to be just like my upline, Lisa Stenz, and still do! But I'm thinking dual personalities might be cool too! To be like Lisa AND YOU would be a powerhouse!
    Thanks for the endless inspiration! You are a treasure!


  2. I LOVE this paper...can't wait to order it!

  3. Karen! Thanks for mentioning my cute girls. It is so fun for them and me to see them featured in the catalog/campaigns. I have the best job in the whole world! Great friends are one of the best things I love about my job.

  4. You already know that I am waiting for the cherry paper - what fun will that be!! Hey, I had my first pedicure yesterday and thought of you the whole time! What a great experience!

  5. It looks so fun and cherry cheery!! LOVE it!
