
Monday, April 26, 2010

Studio J...TOMORROW!

Tomorrow (Tuesday, April 27) is the BIG DAY...Studio J launches at 8 am (MDT). Goody, goody, gum drops! You won't want to miss it. I know you are going to LOVE it as much as I do. Just look at this beautiful layout and you can begin to imagine the possibilities.

For details on this brand new digital (which we call 'studio') scrapbooking program from Close To My Heart, click here to go to my post announcing it from a couple of days ago. I have also included a few more questions and answers at the end of today's post. Studio scrapbooking is for EVERYONE: those who already love to scrap with papers and embellishments will love adding this to their repertoire, those who already enjoy scrapping digitally will be blown away by this new program, and those who have never scrapbooked now have a great reason to try! See what I mean...EVERYONE!

There is a short and informative video that you can watch here. I have also included several questions and answers at the end of this post that you might want to go over.

When the clock strikes 8 am (MDT) tomorrow morning, you can try out this new program by heading to my website by clicking here and then clicking on the new "Studio J" tab that you'll see on my home page. Feel free to email me with ANY questions ( I am here to help! Also, if you think this is something several of your friend will like, I am more than happy to come and do a demonstration at your home for your group. Just email me for that as well (

Questions and Answers:
  • What is Studio J™ Design Software?
    Studio J™ is free online scrapbooking design software brought to you by Close To My Heart. Studio J helps you easily create custom-printed two-page layouts using our foundational scrapbook patterns, exclusive color palette, and themed designs all delivered in 12" × 12" custom prints ready for your albums. It’s a snap!
  • Is Studio J easy to use?
    Studio J software is extremely intuitive and easy to use. The program walks you through five steps that include:
    1. uploading your photos;
    2. choosing your desired themed kit;
    3. selecting an exclusive layout pattern;
    4. adding photos, embellishments, titles, and journaling;
    5. and purchasing custom-printed layouts ready for a cherished album.
  • I love Close To My Heart products. Will Studio J use the same great papers, patterns, colors, and embellishments?
    Of course! If you love Close To My Heart’s scrapbooking philosophy, then you will love Studio J.
  • Do I need to download any software to my computer to use Studio J?
    Not at all! You only need an Internet connection, and then you simply log in to your Consultant’s MyCTMH website to get started. Feel free to design to your heart’s content—you are not required to buy anything or provide any personal information to get started!
  • Can I save what I am working on and come back to it later?
    You bet! You can create a customer profile that allows you to save and return to a project in progress at a later time. Your active projects will be saved for up to 90 days, giving you plenty of time to work on them. You extend that timeline for your active projects by 90 days each time you make a purchase, and your purchased projects will remain archived for one full year after purchase.
  • Do I need a printer that can print 12" × 12" pages to use Studio J?
    No. Your Studio J layouts are not available for you to print from a home computer. In fact, we take care of the printing for you. When you purchase your designed layouts, we print and ship them quickly and directly to you using only top quality printing technology and archival-quality papers.
  • What is the price?
    You are not charged a thing until you order your custom prints. The price per printed two-page layout is $12.95. We also offer some fantastic rewards for larger orders. You can receive FREE Memory Protectors® to protect your layouts in your albums, and FREE shipping/handling based on the number of layout prints you purchase in a single order as follows:
    • For 5–9 layout purchases: You’ll receive a pack of 5 Memory Protectors FREE!
    • For 10–20 layout purchases: You’ll receive FREE shipping/handling PLUS a FREE pack of 5 Memory Protectors for every 5 layouts in your single order.

  • When can I begin creating with Studio J?
    You will be able to start creating layouts with Studio J TOMORROW (Tuesday, April 27 at 8 am {MDT}).


  1. I am so excited about Studio J. I printed some layouts the other day and they turned out fabulous. I can't wait to show my customers.

  2. I can't wait to check this out and play with it. SOOOO much fun!
