
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Installment #3: Close To My Heart Convention Artwork

Thanks to those of you went to Baby Bands and Bling earlier this week and ordered after my post about the beautiful new Vintage Collection. Unfortunately, none of you posted here on my blog to be put in the running for my blog candy. So, I guess I'll save that blog candy for another time.

Here I am with another post of some of my Convention class artwork.

This layout is of Dawson when he was just a little tyke (Kindergarten). As you know if you've been keeping up with my posts since the CTMH Convention, the class I taught was on color. This layout was to illustrate that just because it is a holiday with traditional colors (i.e. Halloween=black, lime green, orange and purple; Christmas=red and green; Easter=pastels) doesn't mean that's how you have to scrap it. Why not let your photos dictate your color combo? It makes the layouts stand out as different than every other layout that is done in traditional colors. As you can tell, I let Dawson's costume dictate the colors for this layout.

The stamp set that I used is just TO DIE FOR! I can't tell you the name of it just yet, but stay tuned because it is in the new Idea Book that will debut September 1. You'll be able to see the whole book on my blog that day. Anticipation (think the ketchup commercial),'s making me wait! It's keeping me wai-ai-ai-ting.

In the meantime, while you are waiting for your ketchup to drip, there are LOTS of great things available to order RIGHT NOW from the Summer 2010 Idea Book. Click here to view it page by page, then click here to order from my website 24/7!



  1. Love this layout and can't wait to get my hands on this set!!!! You rocked it

  2. Oooh, vabulous (said with a Transylvanian accent, of course)! I vant dis stamp set and can't vait until September!

  3. Oh I lurve what you did with this set!!! I'm one of the lucky ones and own it too! I checkout out the baby bands and they are so cute. So how does Kory keep Daci from yanking them of? Jada just won't go for it. We have to distract her and trick her just to get anykind of barrette in her hair. If she feels it she yanks it out! Darn, they are so stickin cute!

  4. opps i mean Kori, sorry for the typo

  5. This is a great layout and perfect for the picture! The stamps set looks cute here, and I am sure you will do many more things to entice us with it!

  6. Bren-I don't know the trick to having those little girls keep the bows in their hair. Some do, some don't. Sometimes Daci is great to leave them on, sometimes not so much. I guess it helps that every time she pulls one off, Kori just puts it back on. lol.

  7. You are so right...the red and black look so fab here instead of the traditional Halloween colors! That stamp set is to die for (no pun intended)!

  8. Are you kidding me, this is fantastic!!!

  9. AWESOME layout! I can't wait to see the stamp set.

  10. Love what you did with this!
    You continue to amaze me!

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