
Monday, August 30, 2010

Swap 'Til You Drop - Christmas Layout and Cards

I am involved in an AWESOME swap right now. There are 5 ladies that each make a layout and 3-4 other items (times 5) using one of the new kits in Close To My Heart's Autumn/Winter Idea Book. We send 4 sets of items to the swap hostess (Thank you, Joanne!), keep one set for ourselves, and she sends us each back one set of each new kit. WOO HOO!

I was assigned the Creative Basics Mistletoe Collection (X5811, available on September 1) as the kit that I would be working with. I am embarrassed to say that my swap is a little late being sent. Remember that flu I had a few weeks ago? Well, it ended up being walking pneumonia and it put everything in my life in a tailspin. So, I hope the other ladies in this swap will forgive me for being a few days late with my items.

Feel free to click on any photo to see it larger and in more detail. It's hard to see in some of the photos, but all of the chipboard snowflakes are sponged or painted with color and then sprayed with glimmer mist. So, there is lots of sparkle and bling to all of these projects. Sparkle and bling always make me happy!

Since this is my first time participating in this swap group, I was a little nervous. I hope my items are up to par with those that I will be getting back. I have already shown you the layout. You can see it with photos added here, so when you see it in this post without photos it might look a bit familiar. The other items (the 4 cards) you have not seen before.

My favorite item is the "Happy Holidays" card (first photo in this post). I love that rich damask tone-on-tone look. To get it I just stamped one of the Damask Tiles stamps in Cranberry Ink onto the Cranberry B&T paper in the Creative Basics Mistletoe Collection, quickly sprinkled Clear Embossing Powder over it, shook off the extra, and heated with my Heat Gun. LOVE that look, don't you? I need some wallpaper just like it!

If you have questions about any of the other items and the techniques I used, feel free to comment here and ask, or even email me directly (

Click here to shop at my CTMH website 24/7...especially when you want to make class damask looking Christmas cards!


  1. EEEEEKKKKK! I am so excited Karen! I was just sitting here oooing and ahhing over your beautiful artwork (as I usually do) and then I read that it is for Joanne's swap! Woooo-Hooo! Can you tell that I am beyond excited that I will be receiving a set of your AMAZING artwork? I am so ashamed of my swap this time around especially after seeing your submission. All I can say is that you are amazing and I will be thrilled to get yours even if it is late. *Ü*

  2. Sorry. I was so selfishly excited that I forgot to tell you that I am really glad that you are feeling better. *Ü*

  3. LOL!! So I just came to say the EXACT thing Lisa just said!! Girl...(glad you are feeling better!!) and you can be as late as you want if you are gonna send PHENOMINAL artwork like this!! Yipee!! So, so excited!! Yea...I am SO 'stampliftin' some of this for my Christmas card workshop!! :)

  4. You know that "Milk, it does a body good" commercial? Well, I'm thinking it should say, "Lisa and Kelly, they do a Karen good!" THANKS for the vote of confidence!

  5. Oh Karen! Everyone in your swap group is going to love your work! You have done beautifully with this paper - and I can't wait to get my hands on this traditional set!!

  6. Your work is outstanding. I am not in the group but I wish I was - I would love to get these! Glad you are feeling better and great creating :)

  7. WOWZA!!!! These are Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Karen you are so very talented you shouldn't ever worry that your artwork wouldn't be up to par with the others....LOVE IT!!! TFS

  8. WOW!! Gorgeous work!! I'm in awe!!!

  9. LOVE these! You are always so creative to bring in stamps that you wouldn't normally think to use with certain papers. I LOVE the Damask Tiles set and this makes me want it even more....might have to be on my next month's order :)

  10. Wow these are absolutely gorgeous.

  11. Ohmigosh, Karen! I wish I was in your swap group too... these are quite simply - phenomenal!! I wish I had just a pinkies worth of your creativity and talent! Thank you for sharing with us, YOU are the best! Hugs...

  12. Karen--love all that you did with the Mistletoe pp. But I love, love, love, the JOY layout! Joy is my favorite word! And I'm always finding ways to get the word into my layouts! Just love what you did!

  13. These are amazing!! Iam so inspired!!
