
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Missionary Men

Yesterday Tannon, his buddy, Ryan and I went shopping for some missionary clothes. As you know, Tannon leaves on October 20 to serve his 2 year LDS mission in Malaga, Spain. Ryan is just getting ready to put in his papers in October. It will be so exciting to find out where he will be going! Back to the clothes thing: the suits, shirts and shoes part was easy. It was choosing ties that was the hard part. We went to 5 different stores to find 'just the right' ties. It was so much fun though and the three of us laughed our heads off...especially at the lady who worked at Tie One On. She was trying so hard to help but every tie she showed the boys was worse than the one before. We were trying to be polite, but when she showed us the worst 'gag-me' tie ever and said, "This is my favorite tie in the store", we got the giggles so bad that Ryan had tears running down his face. Poor, poor sales lady. I won't feel too terribly awful though, because we did buy a lot of ties!

After the shopping was over, and before their softball game, we headed to the American Fork Ampitheater to take some pics in their "GQ" missionary clothes. Here are a few of them. Enjoy!


  1. They are SOOOOO goofy! I will sure miss those two silly boys. I LOVE Tannon's pink tie and I love the pic of him with the Book of Mormon. His face says, "Yeah this book is true, and I'm gonna prove it to ya!" Love ya Tan!

  2. Very handsome missionaries indeed!
    Go preach the word elders!

  3. You sure have some handsome boys:-) Very GQ photos!!! Love the jumping one!!

  4. Such handsome boys doing such good work! I couldn't decide on a favorite until I saw the last two. Don't ask me to narrow it down any closer than that.

  5. The photos are AMAZING! Did you take them? They look so professional! This entire post made me smile. . . Way to go Karen!

  6. I sure would have a hard time concentrating on anything those guys would be sayin….man! HANDsome!
    great shots, Karen!

  7. Rachelle, I did take them. Thanks for the compliment! Terri, you make me laugh! Thanks for the giggle.

  8. very handsome! Have you seen the SUU Ties awesome!

  9. What fun photos - I love them all, Karen, nice work! The ones of them jumping - it appears they are jumping on the top edge of that fence (but I'm hoping there was really a walkway or something behind it!). Very cool!!
