
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dawsie, Dawsie, Dawsie...

...where-oh-where did the last 17 years go? Can't you just hear The Brady Bunch and "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" running through your brains after that title?

My little "Dawsie-Boy" turned 17 earlier this month. It was during our big move and I didn't have a computer and internet set up at that point with which to pay homage to him on my blog that day, so I am doing it now. I took these photos of Dawson about a month ago and I just love them.

Dawson was such a great caboose kiddo. He is so full of fun, is so sweet to me, and just an all-around joy in our lives. Last night we were talking and I told him about something hard health-wise that I went through a few years ago that I had never told him about. He said, "Mother! Why didn't you tell me when you were going through it?" My response was, "Because, I didn't want you to worry or think of me as less than your strong mamma." He replied, "That's silly! I could have helped you through it." And there you go. That's my Daws, Daws. I love this kid. I can't believe he's 17 and will graduate from high school in 2 short years.

Happy belated birthday, Dawson! I love you extra muchly!

And, Happy Easter to all of you. My heart is filled with gratitude for the ultimate gift from my Savior of his Atonement. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to live with Him forever through this gift.


  1. What fabulous pictures! I wish you were here to take pictures of Shane! You have great kids, Karen - each and every one!

  2. What a sweetheart! LOVE this post Karen.

  3. Great photos of your handsome boy!

  4. Great photos! What an amazing kid. I would expect nothing less from You and Dan the Man!
