
Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm back!

I'm back! I'm finally back! After 2 1/2 hours on the phone today with my internet provider we FINALLY got things up and running. Whew. Who knew getting back online was going to be such a chore? Definitely not me. I'm so glad we were able to finally figure out the problems and here I sit at my beloved iMac typing away to all of you.

We are getting moved in and settled and Springville is already beginning to feel like home. Thank you, Springvillians, or Springvillites, or whatever you call yourselves, for the warm welcome. I'm not sure I have met this many nice people all in one place before in my life.

Two of my sweet friends, and members of my Close To My Heart team brightened my day a couple of days ago with some GORGEOUS roses and lilies and the sweetest card ever. Since I have not had 2 seconds to even THINK about creating, I thought I'd share their beautiful gift and card with you. Thank you, Lynette and Nicole for being who you are. I love you both so much and am so blessed to call you friends.

Please don't mind the 'stuff' in the background. Moving is a mess and there is 'stuff' everywhere. I think you can probably tell my priorities by what was sitting on my counter and what is on my wall. I got my big kitchen clock hung (that way I always know how many minutes until the next episode of American and my candy jars are out so that I can grab a treat each time I walk past. What more does a girl really need?


  1. OH Karen I had to giggle when I saw the honkin jar of 'rockets'. Your US smarties are a Halloween delight we call rockets and I LOVE THEM! LOL I should sent you some 'real smarties'...Canadian style of course! LOL
    Anyway love to see you have your moving priorities straight and I'm sure you'll be back to creating in no time at all..... can't wait to see what a fresh outlook will do!
    Take care

  2. So happy for you that you have your internet up and running!!!! Oh my goodness...if I had those jars of candy in my house...they would be devoured in a day (by ME :-)

  3. yea..she's back ON.LINE!
    That unpacking will be done before you know it, Karen.
    Just remember; not right, not wrong, just different!

  4. So glad to see that the candy jars made the move! Thats all I need to make the Springville place "home" :) Love ya!

  5. So happy to hear that you are starting to feel settled and received such a warm welcome! So glad you are up and running online! Such a lovely and thoughtful gift from your friends!!!

  6. Oh my goodness - all that to get your internet up! I am so glad you are getting such a warm welcome, Karen. I'll look forward ot seeing pictures once you get organized and settled!

  7. Well you are so very welcome. If I do say myself those flowers look great in that cute new house you have. Glad your internet is back up and before you know it everything will be put back in place. Have a fantastic day.

  8. So glad to have you "back"! I can only imagine the chaos, buy you're such a positive person, I know everything will turn out awesome.
