
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy Birthday (belated), Kori!

The whole past month I have felt like my life has been upside down, what with the move and all. There have also been lots of specials and artwork to post so Dawson, Daysha and Kori all got their birthday blog posts late. Lest you think I'm a terrible mother, just know that they did get their gifts on time. :)

Kori, from the day you entered the world you have brought nothing but joy to our lives. I count my blessings every day that my Heavenly Father entrusted such a special girl to your dad and I. You have been such a sweet, obedient child from the day you were born. You expect excellence from yourself and have the ability to make everyone around you feel special and cared about. You are a hard worker and a straight arrow. You are beautiful inside and out. I LOVE YOU! I wish I could have flown to Chicago for your special day, but you were in my heart here.


  1. Awww, thanks Mom! I wish you could've come out too but I loved having your gift here on my birthday to remind me that you love me and are always thinking of me! Love you!

  2. I hope Kori had a wonderful birthday!!
