
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Studio J Layout and Earthquake in Spain

Here is another of the 10 layouts I made last week at the Studio J Boot Camp. I'd love to show you how to make similar layouts with this wonderful digital online program. I am offering FREE 30 minute one-on-one sessions in which you complete 2 layouts (totally FREE unless you decide to buy them) and also group classes that will last approximately 1 hour where you and 3-4 friends get together (with your laptops) and I help you each build 2 layouts. We can do either option at my home or yours. If you host a group of friends, and they choose to purchase Studio J membership, YOU earn FREE hostess rewards (great Close To My Heart products!). I'm happy to travel to most locations in Utah. Just email me and let me know where you are and we can work out the details (

This layout features my missionary son, Tannon who is currently serving in the city of Murcia, Spain. I chose this one today because of the earthquake that hit Murcia yesterday (see below). I know Tannon is involved with much service helping those who were hurt, injured and displaced from this tragedy. You can click on the layout to see it larger and in more detail.

The journaling on this layout reads: "Tannon has no fear. He can't sit still for more than a few minutes. He's always on the go, finding the next fun thing to do and making everyone around him laugh non-stop. I miss him so much as he is serving his mission in the Spain, Malaga mission but I know that he is using his personality plus and charisma to help bring those he teaches unto Christ. I wouldn't have it any other way!"

Back to the earthquake: We just received word that all the missionaries are safe and unharmed. Please keep the area and it's people in your prayers. So far 10 are confirmed dead and many, many more injured and displaced.

I don't have details about Tannon, but I do know he is fine and is in training meetings all day today with the mission president to receive instruction on how to help the people in the area. I'm sure it will be much like what Easton did on his mission during the time after
Hurricane Ike (although not to nearly the extent)...LOTS of service and helping families.

This earthquake was nothing like what happened in Japan recently, but it did it's share of destruction and was measured in Tannon's area at 5.9. It damaged over 22,000 buildings and the falling debris injured many people and displaced many families. Spain is usually very low-risk for earthquakes so buildings are not generally constructed in a way that protects them against the shaking. There continue to be aftershocks in the area, some as high as 4.1.

It's funny. Kori called me yesterday when it happened to see if I had heard. I hadn't and was immediately a little panicked. Within minutes I felt a calm come over me and knew that Tannon was okay. I felt so
peaceful. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost! When I received the email from Tannon's mission president this morning telling us that the missionaries were all safe, I was glad to have it, but I already knew. When Kori called yesterday to tell me about it, I was teaching a scrapbook class. One of my customers who was there knows Tannon quite well (her daughter and Tannon grew up together and are buddies). She said, "Karen, can't you just hear Tannon now? He's probably saying, 'Cool! How many missionaries get to experience something like this on their missions? All the service will be TIGHT!'" If you know Tannon very well, I'm sure you'll agree. He will find a way to stay happy and positive about this new development and will find the joy and 'fun' in serving others. Tannon has the knack of finding fun in the worst of situations.

Please keep the people of Murcia and Lorca, Spain in your prayers.


  1. I had heard of this earthquake and wondered (and prayed for) Tannon. I am so glad that you posted and told us he is okay! Will keep this in my prayers.

  2. Beautiful layout and glad to hear Tannon is doing well! I love the mixed font title on this.

  3. This is such a fabulous layout and I'm glad that he is ok.
