
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Studio J Layout and Motherhood

Today I am sharing the 2nd of 10 two-page layouts I made this week with Studio J to create an album about my family. I thought this one was perfect to share on Mother's Day. This layout ended up being a hybrid layout. The photo you see here is BEFORE I added some tactile flowers and sparkles to the layout. It celebrates my daughter, Kori and her motherhood. If you click on the photo, you can see it larger and in more detail. If you missed my last post, the one that showed the first layout in the series of 10 I will be sharing over the next week or so, please refer back.

Here is what the journaling on this layout says, "Kori has been beautiful since the day she was born, inside and out. While that is true, I don't think she has ever been more beautiful to me than since she became a mother. Watching her with her little daughter, Daci, seeing the love in her eyes, watching her mature as she fills the role of wife and mother, and seeing how much she loves doing it makes her glow. As her mother, there is nothing more that I could ever want for Kori than for her to be married to the man of her dreams for eternity, to experience motherhood, and to love both of those things more than anything else. That's what it's all about. And that's just beautiful."

I am so blessed to have such wonderful mothers in my life. My own mother, Nedra is truly an angel on earth. I couldn't have been given a better mother. She is kind and sweet, through and through. She always put her family first. My grandmother, Winona is someone I am very much like. We both love pretty dishes, cooking, entertaining, playing games, and are super-competitive. She is 92 and still going strong. My daughter, Kori is such a good little mommy. I am so proud of her and Rick and the way they are raising our granddaughter, Daci. It is so rewarding to watch my daughter teach her little girl right from wrong and love her like I loved my little munchkins.

These two photos are priceless to me. They are 5 generations: Daci, with her mother, Kori, with her mother, me, with my mother, Nedra with her mother, Winona.

This Mother's Day was so special because there are 2 times a year we missionary moms actually get to talk to our missionary sons: Mother's Day and Christmas. I got to spend a whole hour on the phone with my Tannon this morning. It was heaven on earth. I couldn't have gotten a better Mother's Day gift! I love you, T-Man.

Thank you to my family for spoiling me even though they couldn't all be here with me. The flowers that arrived yesterday were so beautiful. Kori wrote a beautiful post on her blog today too.

Thank you to my hubby, Dan-the-Man who has journeyed through parenthood with me. Thank you to my 4 beautiful children who have made motherhood such a pleasure.

Happy Mother's Day to all of my readers. I hope your day is wonderful.


  1. Thanks for the sweet things you said about me! I have to go blow my nose and wipe my tears too :) You are a wonderful mom and I love you to death!

  2. What a fab post Karen you are such a great mom! love your layout too!

  3. LOVE the lo and those priceless photos! I know you enjoyed that phone call!!! FAB post!!

  4. What a fabulous family you have! They are lucky to have you. How fun to get to talk to your missionary today. I am glad you had a great mother's day.

  5. I had to look close at the scrollies on the layout. That's pretty cool! Glad you had a great day!
