
Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day, Tannon's Birthday and Dawson's Football and Basketball

As you know, yesterday was Father's Day and it was a grand one at the Pedersen home. Dan got spoiled rotten with wonderful gifts and a yummy dinner at his dad's house. We enjoyed a cookout and all the fixin's to go with it. Dan has been such a wonderful father to our children. I don't know many dads who spend more time with their kids than he does. He was never too 'macho' to change diapers, give baths, sing bed-time songs (although his songs never really sounded like the originals), or read stories. He was a true parent from the day our kidlets were born and continues to be now. Watching him with our granddaughter, Daci melts my heart every time. I love you, Dan-my-Man!

The two cards pictured above are the cards that Dan got from Kori and I with our gifts. Mine is on the left and Kori's on the right. I haven't really figured out why he got a store bought card from Easton (lol).

My father is amazing as well. I'll never forget the hours he spent in the back yard helping learn to pitch for softball, his insistence that "can't" should never be part of my vocabulary, and his generous, giving spirit. I don't know if I've ever known a more generous man than my father. I love this picture of my mom and dad. Two more Christ-like people, I have never known. They are currently serving their 4th mission. I look forward to them returning home in December but am so proud of them for the service they give and the example they set for all of us. I love you, Dad!

Dan's dad is the best father-in-law a girl could ever ask for. He loves his children and grandchildren and they know it. He raised the man of my dreams and for that I will forever be grateful. He never fails to find an opportunity to teach a life-lesson to all of us, which we all appreciate so much. Last night after our family dinner he sat us all down and gave us some advice and bore his testimony of Jesus Christ to all of the kids and grandkids in attendance. Priceless! I love you, Keith!

Our son-in-law, Rick is so sweet with his little girl, Daci. We are so grateful for him and the wonderful father, husband and provider he is! He is a man of few words, but many wonderful actions. I love watching him show his family how much he loves them through hard work and lots of laughter. I love you, Rick!

I'm glad there is a day set aside each year to honor the fathers in our lives. I sure have been blessed with wonderful fathers from every angle.

But all of that fatherly celebration happened YESTERDAY! TODAY is our Tannon's 20th birthday. I think this is the first time in 2011 that I have actually gotten a birthday recognition for one of my family members posted on my blog on the day of their birthday. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. Tannon is on his mission in Spain and today also just happens to be his 8 month mark (16 more to go!). I can't believe he has really been gone that long. This is the first birthday he has ever celebrated away from home. We are so proud of him for the dedication he has shown in serving a 2 year mission. We miss the laughter that he constantly brings into our home, and the way he finds fun in any situation. The people of Spain are lucky to have our boy! Happy Birthday, Tan-Man! I'm not sure I'm ready for you to leave 'teenager-hood' behind. I love this photo of him and his companion at their most recent baptism (Selena). I love you, Tanny Manny Moo!

We spent the end of last week and most of the weekends at sporting events for Dawson. First we went to St. George to participate in the Dixie High School invitational basketball tournament where we won it all! WOO HOO! Good job, Daws and the Red Devils. Then it was back to Provo for Saturday for the BYU 7-on-7 football tournament. Dawson and Springville did great and made it to the round just before the semi-finals. They went undefeated through 6 games before losing to a team from Los Angeles who ended up making it through the semi-finals. I felt pretty darn proud of those Devils!

What a weekend! I'm a good way!


  1. I loved everything you said in this post. And I agreed with it all :) You are such a great mom and are so sweet to recognize those that you love. Love ya!

  2. Your exhausted? Dawson must be seriously EXHAUSTED! Congrats on winning the basketball tournament. You have some amazing men in your life. I too am glad that we have a day set aside to honor those men who mean so much to each of us.

  3. What an amazing post about the amazing men in your family! You truly are blessed with an incredible family! Happy belated birthday to Tannon! (*I think it's cool we share a birthday) HUGS to you...I know that was one of my hardest days, when Ty turned 20 and I couldn't be there with him or talk to him. Way to go Dawson's basketball team! Sorry I missed you down here. We WILL get together one of these days!! You might have seen my son-in-law at that 7-on-7 at BYU...he is the quarterback coach this year for Pine View's 9th grade team. The cards you and Kori made are soooo FABULOUS!
