
Monday, June 13, 2011

Pedersen Update

What a crazy past week it's been! We have had lots going on in our family and I'm excited to share a few of these events:

1. Our daughter, Kori, and her hubby, Rick are expecting baby #2. We are so excited! Kori and Daci (their 2 year old daughter) called me one day and asked me to skype. They said that Daci had made something she wanted to show me. When we were skyping, Kori and Daci held up a cake they had made together that was frosted and decorated to say, "We're expecting again in February!" I was so excited. Daci said, "Look, Grandma! I made a cake!" I asked her if she thought it would be a girl baby or a boy baby and she said, "A boy baby!" I guess we'll see if she's right!

2. Our son, Tannon as you know, is serving a mission for our church in Malaga, Spain. Here is a photo of the baptism he and his companion (Elder Peterson, in the suit, who is even taller than Tannon at 6'6") had this past week. It is so exciting to see people accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ! Way to go Pedersen and Peterson! We are all so happy for you, Selina!
3. Easton's wife, Daysha is performing at Tuachan in the productions of Little Mermaid and Grease. In Little Mermaid she is one of the sisters and in Grease she won the part of Cha Cha. Her performances began this week and go through October. If you find yourself in St. George, UT any time soon, be sure to get some tickets. You can purchase tickets here. I'm not really sure where this photo was taken or what play it was for, but I found it on her Facebook page and stole it so I would have a photo to post of her today. Sneaky! Easton is still busy rehabbing that broken leg of his so he can be ready for football season.

4. Dawson played in a basketball tournament at Utah State University this past week. They did a great job and took 4th. Dawson was the 2nd leading scorer on the team for the tournament. We beat some really good teams and had 2 close losses. Darn it! We enjoyed our few days in Logan. What a fun town.
5. Dan-the-Man and I had to speak in church on Sunday. I'm glad it's over!


  1. WOW! That's a lot of great news in your family! Regarding #1 - Congrats to Rick, Kori and Daci (and grandma and grandpa ;) What a wonderful blessing for your family! #2 Awesome work Elders! Pretty quick work, lol! #3 I wondered if Daysha was in these performances when I saw an ad for them a few months ago. I really want to take my Mom here for her Christmas present.. maybe it will be REALLY early. #4 Good job, Dawson! We know you got skillz! and #5 - I sympathize! One of those great and terrible things, lol! You have a wonderful spirit and I'm glad Springville can share in it! PS_ Looking forward to seeing you tonight!!

  2. Lots of good and exciting things happening!! Oh, I bet you are thrilled to become a grandma to another little one! What an exciting experience for Tannon, and so very touching. That Daysha - she must really fit in well. I love seeing her pictures and hearing about her. I wondered how Dawson's tournament went - such a great picture! And I'll bet the two of you did fabulously at church!!

  3. What a fun time at the Pedersen house!!! We were son sad that when we were in st George that the plays hadn't started yet. I am surebyou did angreat job on your talks.

  4. congrats all around to you and yours, Karen!
    see ya in a few…wooo hooo!

  5. I wish I could have heard you speak...I'm sure it was AMAZING! LOVE this FAB post of all your happenings! Congrats on grandbaby #2!!! So FUN!!!

  6. Congrats on grandbaby #2, Karen!! That is so exciting! It will be DOUBLE the me! Our 3rd granddaughter is due in Sept!
    Such great things happening in your family!
    Looking forward to seeing you at convention in just 29 short days!

  7. Congrats to your family and so happy to hear of all the good things happening for you all!

  8. Congrats on all of your happy news! These are all wonderful things. :) Hugs A
