
Saturday, June 25, 2011


My daughter, Kori gave us a little jingle yesterday morning. I knew she had her first doctor's appointment for her pregnancy, and figured she was calling to tell us how it went. She and Rick are super-excited to be having another baby. This one is due in February, so this baby and Daci are scheduled to be 3 years apart. They have wanted to get pregnant for over a year but her lupus was in bad shape and she had to wait until her body improved enough that the doctors felt she could handle another pregnancy safely. Knowing how excited she is about this baby, I was sure she was calling to tell me how wonderful it was to hear the little heart beat. I was in for the surprise of my life!

This is how our call went...

"Mom, you'll never believe this. We are having twins!"

"Shut up!" I said. "You are joking!"

"Nope, for real!"


"Mom, I'm telling you, we are having TWINS!"

I almost fell off my chair. It was a good thing I was sitting down.

Kori is already a high-risk pregnancy because of her lupus. I can't figure out if it's great news that she's getting a two for one-er, or if it's even more scary to be pregnant with twins while having lupus. Either way, we're choosing to be EXCITED with Kori and Rick and Daci. How can you not feel excited about twins? Right? I feel lots of prayers coming on! Twins...I just can hardly believe it!

I also included a cute photo of how Kori announced the pregnancy news to Rick last month. She and Daci baked a cake and decorated it and had it on the table with balloons when he came home from work. They also skyped us and Daci said, "Grandma, I made you a cake!" Then they held it up to the screen. TOO MUCH FUN!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. How fun is this! Congrats Grandma!

  2. What a WONDERFUL set of blessings! Congrats to you all!

  3. Been dreaming of twins! It's my fault. Well, technically not my fault but I have been wishing for twins to photograph! Hope Kori realizes I am completely serious about coming out. LOL

  4. That is wonderful what a great set of parents they will be and with the help of the big sister! Everything will work out Im sure.

  5. Oh congrats, what great news!

  6. Oh my heck...HOW EXCITING!! My prayers will be with Kori! I know that it is a little scary so BIG HUGS and many prayers are being sent your way!!!

  7. WOW! How excited you must all be. I'll pray too :)

  8. How stinkin' exciting!!! Prayers & shouts of joy comin' your way! :o)

    PS - loved the candid conversation!

  9. Oh my gosh, how exciting!!! *happy dance!* Will keep Kori and the babies in our prayers, and look forward to meeting this two new blessings!! :)

  10. I am grinning from ear to ear!!! So excited for all of you!!!

  11. Congratulations! Such wonderful news! Prayers being lifted for a safe and healthy pregnancy for your daughter! :) Twins - what a wonderful blessing!
    ~doreen at

  12. Somehow I missed this post! Oh my goodness - I would bet you are thrilled!! I will be keeping Kori in my prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy.

  13. So very happy for you and your family!

  14. Congrats!!! I know God will be watching over Kori and those little belly beans and they will be just fine! *Ü*
