
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Aunt Sheila's Famous Potato Salad

My Aunt Sheila makes the world's best potato salad. I'm telling you, there is nothing like it. We all beg her to make it for EVERY family event. She gave me the recipe a long time ago, and since we weren't celebrating with her family this 4th, I made it myself. I'm not sure it's quite as good as Sheila's but it's still pretty yummy.

Aunt Sheila's Famous Potato Salad (serves 6)
  • 6 medium-large potatoes (best if you have a couple of different kinds, like red, yukon gold, bakers, etc)
  • 6 large eggs
  • 2 large dill pickles
  • 2 large celery stalks
  • 3 green onions (unless you are cooking for Dan Pedersen. In that case leave these out.)
  • 1 C. mayo
  • 1 C. miracle whip
  • 1 Tbs. prepared mustard
  • 1/8 - 1/4 C. dill pickle juice
  • salt and pepper
  • paprika
1. Wash potatoes and boil in their jackets (skins) until tender but not too soft.
2. Hard boil eggs.
3. Peel eggs and then put both potatoes (still in their jackets) and eggs in the fridge for 30 minutes.
4. After they have spent their 30 minutes in the fridge, peel potatoes and cut into bite size pieces and slice eggs.
5. Chop pickles and celery and onions.
6. Carefully fold all of these together in a large bowl.
7. To make sauce, in another container mix miracle whip, mustard, pickle juice, salt and pepper. Carefully fold into potato mixture.
8. Sprinkle top with paprika and pepper. Refrigerate for at least an hour before eating. YUM!

We sure enjoyed our 4th of July BBQ. I hope you had fun eating and celebrating at your house as well!


  1. I can't believe you shared the super secret family recipe! :P I LOVE this potato salad and its making me want some RIGHT NOW! Thanks for emailing it to me too :)

  2. This is making my mouth water!! YUM!
    I NEED to go make this!

  3. Ah, I am so glad to see that there is someone else that puts pickles and pickle juice in their potato salad! My in-laws thought I was crazy when I shared my recipe with them. I was told "you don't put pickles in potato salad!" LOL!! This is very similar to my recipe - the only difference I think is that I use radish in mine. I am going to have to try this one!

  4. I had a big giggle when I read your recipe with the commentary about Dan. So cute. The same is true in my house with my hubby - I have to leave the onions out of everything, or chop them so small that he doesn't notice. :)

    Thanks for sharing. Love your blog! Hoping to introduce myself to you at CTMH convention.

  5. Love potato salad and can't wait to try this recipe! I hope you are all settled in your new home.
