
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Journaling on your Layouts

You can always click on any image in my posts to see it larger and in more detail.

Do you ever get stuck when you are journaling on your layouts? I think sometimes we all do. We just think we need to do the who, what, where, when, why and how. Right? WRONG! Journaling is SO much more than that. I am passionate about the journaling on my layouts. Take for instance this layout of my son, Tannon (who is now 20!) in first grade (Sidenote: this is one of the layouts we will be making in my September Play Group classes. You will find more information about that on my blog later this week.). I could have just put "Tannon, 1st grade" on the layout. The first grade photo of him is cute. That would have been fine. What I did instead was journal something that was very important about first grade for Tannon. It affected who he became.

I personally feel that the journaling is what takes a layout from being a photo of an event or time in history to being a record of historical happenings for your family and its generations to come. I think what the layout says is MORE important for Tannon and the rest of my family (and their posterity) to read and understand than what you see. Am I making sense?

Taking just a bit more time when you journal so that your feelings about what you are scrapbooking, or what the event you are scrappin' meant to your family, or memories of the details of that event are on the layout makes a layout go from artistically fabulous, to heart-moving, tear-jerking, memory-making, family history AND artistically FABULOUS

Here is a photo of the journaling. You'll want to click on the photos to enlarge them and be able to read them.

Journaling from the left side of the layout (read this first):

Journaling from right side of the layout (read this second):

Close To My Heart products used: Typeset Workshop on the Go Kit, Black Stamp Pad, Juniper Stamp Pad, Creme Brulee Stamp Pad, Token Alphabet Stamp Set, Cricut/CTMH Art Philosophy Collection.

You can shop for these and other wonderful products from the brand new Autumn/Winter Idea Book on my website 24/7. You can view the new Idea Book page-by-mouth-watering-page by clicking on the link on the left side of my blog.


  1. Karen - Your journalling brought me to tears! Thank you so much for sharing. My little guy (4) is a handful as well and I have so many fears and anxieties about him starting school and being labelled the 'problem child'. (When really I know that he has such a big heart and has so much potential!) I hope we will be as lucky to get such a wonderful teacher to make such a difference. Beautiful layout in so many ways!

  2. Karen and Carla, thank you both for sharing your stories. My son is 5 and getting ready to start kindergarten, next month. I have been so nervous about how he will be. He did really well in preschool, and I feel that the teacher had a strong influence there. With the restructuring of our school system, due to the economy, I have been very nervous about how he will do if he is not given the amount of attention that he needs.

    My son has a big heart, as well, and his feelings get hurt easily. But to hide that, he will play the part of "big man on campus".

    I will gather my courage and ask to speak with his teacher, like you did, to see if we can create the positive environment for him so that he can excel, too. Thank you.

    Karen, your layout is beautiful, as always. Thanks for sharing such a heartwarming story.

  3. Aw, now I'm crying! Loved the journaling. I agree that a layout should have great journaling and not just fun pictures! This layout is beautiful too by the way

  4. This is a stunning layout, not just in the artwork, but with the words that you wrote. What a wonderful way to remember something special about your son's growing up. I bet he feels so proud when he reads the words you wrote about him. Such a wonderful gift. This just reinforces, why we scrapbook and preserve our memories, as they do have meaning and importance years from now. Thanks for sharing such a touching layout and little piece of your son.

  5. so, i just read this journaling and the last post regarding your "shell"...such meaningful journaling on both layouts. yes, this is what scrapbooking is all about. thank you for sharing so much with us.
    denise..who is heading for the tissue box ;)

  6. Beautiful layout and precious journaling! What a blessing your little guy (then) had the wisdom & patience of this teacher to guide him & reinforce his positive behaviors and to work in partnership with you. She's my kind of teacher! (and I used the same notebook idea when I was a teacher!) Blessings!

  7. Your journaling is so touching, Karen, it brought tears to my eyes. As the mother of a child who struggled with school academically rather than behaviorally, I wish someone would have done this for my son. It could have made a big difference in his view of school and himself. Thanks for reminding me how important journaling is -- sometimes that gets lost and I focus more on how the layout looks than the story that it tells.

  8. So FAB! THanks for the reminder of the importance of true!

  9. So often I forget to journal - even though I agree with you that it is the most important part of the layout. This is a fabulous reminder!

  10. LOVE it, what a cute photo! like you I think journaling is so important... I need to do it more!

  11. Karen, I think the way you presented the "journalling" issue was just masterful! For some reason (other than the obvious) the example you shared really clicked with me. I immediately thought of a few things I could journal about my son and I know that his scrapbook pages will be so much more meaningful journalled in this way! Thank you!

  12. What a fabulous story and I'm so glad you shared it! I think many of us have felt frustrated with the system and just need someone to care a little bit more and offer a solution rather passing it on to someone else (with or without the relish!) With two very crazy boys and one more on the way I was totally inspired by your story really enjoyed your layout. (I have to confess, I get more enjoyment from reading the journalling on scrapbook pages in magazines than in the art most of the time!) Great article!

  13. Karen,

    Thank you so much for all your wonderful journaling in your scrapbooks! I know that I also need to include this type of thing...and will probably go back and include it in my pages!

    My son was also labeled in Kindergarten and had to work his way out of that 'label'. He had a wonderful teacher that gave him special work to do just that. My Tony was overly smart and got bored easily. Mr. Ellis (who was also the high school football coach) had my Tony figuring out all the stats from the games in 1st grade! Tony was thrilled to finally be able to do something 'worthwhile' and in the process became a fine young man. I am forever grateful to Mr. E for all he did for my Tony.

    Gee, maybe it's the T's that are in this boat?!? LOL! Keep up the great work!
