
Monday, August 29, 2011

Out of Commission, But Never Fear: Kindle is Here!

Dear Bloggin' Peeps,

I have done something to my back and can't do much standing or sitting. My bed and I are best buddies right now. I might not be able to post for a day or two. Hopefully it won't take any longer than that to be back to my obnoxious posting self!

I hope you all had a great weekend. It was my birthday on Saturday and I got spoiled! Luckily, my back didn't start hurting until early Sunday morning. Is there some sort of warning I should have read about that obsessing over a brand new Kindle that might explain my hurt back? I got one for my birthday on Saturday (I'm in LOVE! Thank you, Tracey Mason! I think I am now your slave for life.) and am already obsessed. Maybe my back just tried to give me an excuse to read that brand new Kindle. Note to self: explain to back that I'd rather feel guilty for reading than to have a valid excuse like this one.

I even have the CUTEST hot pink Kindle cover (thank you, Koribug!). THANK YOU to everyone (Dan-the-Man included who spent all day Saturday taking me to all my favorite places!) who made my birthday so special, with cards, gifts, Facebook comments, emails, lunch dates, and phone calls. I love you all! "Back" (oh, I crack myself up!) to bed I go. I'll be back to bloggin' before you know it. I'm counting on it!


  1. I am so glad you had such a nice birthday, but I am so sorry to hear about your back. I hope it heals soon - back pain is no fun! But in the meantime...

    What a fabulous gift! Jerry got me one this year for my birthday, and I love it! Be sure to click on the special offers because you can get some great book deals.

  2. Aw...bummer about your back. Enjoy that Kindle. I have been wanting one forever. Glad you had a great birthday.

  3. OH NO! Sorry about your back my friend! How are you going to be my slave if your back is out? LOL

    I guess you are going to have to start reading then. Don't forget The Book Thief! It was so good. I just bought The Help last night. Can't wait to get started on it.

    Hugs & hope you feel better!

  4. Sorry to hear about your back. Sending virtual hugs.

  5. Sorry to hear about your back. Sending virtual hugs.

  6. Hope you're feeling better soon, KareBear!! We're twinners, by the way . . . I have that same Kindle cover!! LOVE my Kindle -- so much easier to read in bed. Enjoy, and get well soon! :)

  7. Belated Happy Birthday Karen and I hope your back has you 'back' in action soon! I have an ereader as well and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Happy Reading.....

  8. Love my KOBO (most of the time), and fortunately for you, until you get BACK on your feet, the e-readers are so comfy while LAID up…heck! you can fall asleep on it and not loose your place or it will go BACK to where you started. hehe
    Take Care, Karen!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday! It sounds like it was a wonderful day! Soooooo sorry to hear about your up and feel better! Hugs, Cheryl

  10. Glad you had a great birthday so sorry about your back.

  11. How fun! My dad loves his kindle. I have been on a reading kick and really should be cleaning my house. I kinda of wish I had a good excuse to stay in bed but don't really want back problems. We need to find a less painful reason to staybin bed and read all day.

  12. Sorry to hear about your back! I know the pain you are feeling I did something to my back las October right before my birthday and me and the bed were the best of friends.

    Hope it is fully healed as I am still feeling some of the effects.
