
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Guess Who's Coming to Grandma's House...

Yep, you guessed it...DACI! I can't wait.

Rick has some business here in Utah in about a week and will be here for 4 days, AND he's bringing Daci with him to visit us. Daci will stay with Rick's parents for half of the time and with Dan, Dawson and I the other half. We are so excited. I just wish Kori could come too!

This picture of Daci makes me laugh every time. She is being silly, as usual. This kiddo is so full of spunk and mischief. It's enough to just about put her parents over the edge, but just perfect to make grandmas laugh and laugh.

It's a good thing I have TONS to keep me busy this week while I wait for her arrival.


  1. She is so excited! She can't stop talking about going to "Hootah!" Wish I could come too, but I'm excited for some quiet time :)

  2. What a cutie! I have a feeling she is going to be spoiled for 4 days!!
