
Friday, September 9, 2011

My Tannon

Tannon is now half way through his 2-year mission for our church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...the "Mormons") in Malaga, Spain. He was recently transferred to San Fernando (in the province of Cadiz, along the southern coast of Spain) and made a Zone Leader. We are so proud of him and the sacrifice he has made to serve the Lord for 2 years of his life. We miss him so much and are so happy that we get to see him again in ONE MORE YEAR!

The picture at the top is of a recent Zone Leader meeting he attended. Can you find him? Hint: count 8 from the left and there is my handsome boy!

Here is another photo of Tannon and several other missionaries working in the city of Malaga (Tannon is the one on the far left).

And, lastly, I thought I'd share a little excerpt from a recent letter. We live for our weekly email letters. We only get to talk to him twice a year (on Christmas and Mother's Day) so those weekly emails are precious to us.

Tannon said, "Missionary work is where it's AT! Nothing is cooler (except maybe football...just kidding). I've never been happier in my life. It's just awesome to work hand-in-hand with the Lord to bring the gospel to others. We work so hard every day and I love it!"

Oh, how I miss this kiddo!


  1. Can't believe he has been out a year already! So crazy! I'm so proud of him :)

  2. Isn't awesome to be able to watch our boys grow and their testimonies strengthened. My son Kurt will be home Oct. 12th from Chile. I have really missed him. Stephen will be recieving his mission call in a few weeks.

  3. I know you miss him like crazy, but how proud you must be!

  4. Missionary service is where it is AT! Good for him! I KNOW YOU all are soooooo proud!
