
Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Festivities

I know I have been MIA for awhile. I have just been enjoying time relaxing with family over the holiday weekend.  I hope you have been fortunate enough to do the same.  I thought I'd share a few photos (click on any photo to see it larger) from our family weekend to start the week. Enjoy! We sure did.
Daysha and I found this cute red, glittered snowflake for $5. We added a ribbon to hang it with and some Pearl Opaques (glued on with Liquid Glass) from Close To My Heart and...voila: beautiful and very inexpensive Christmas door hanging for her and Easton's little home.

Close up of Easton and Daysha's snowflake.

Dawson's place setting

What's Thanksgiving without some football?

Dawson chillin' while waiting for the turkey and all the fixin's

Dan and I are a cooking team on Thanksgiving. He does the turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy, and I do the rest. As you can see (see shirt tail) he is not the cleanest of cooks.  How does gravy get on the side of your shirt while you are cooking it anyway?

Daysha making a goofy face while playing "Words with Friends" with Kori (who had Thanksgiving with her own family in Chicago. Darn! Why do kids have to grow up and move? I think it should be a law that they have to stay within 100 miles of their mommy!)

Me, stirring Dan's gravy masterpiece while he mashes the potatoes.

Ready to eat!  My stuffing, which I will very un-humbly tell you was the best ever, is not in the photo. I think I'll share the recipe later this week.

Easton, ready to dig in!

We are thankful, although I think (know) Dawson was being a little bit sarcastic on his #3!  See our placecards from my last post. They will go on the front of a pocket for each person. In the pocket there will be a photo of the person and their 'thankful' list.  How's that for planning my layout ahead of time?  I hope to finish the layout and share it this week.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving relaxing, eating good food, and being grateful for our many blessings. It was hard not to have Kori, Rick and Daci here from Chicago, but with Kori on bed rest until the twins arrive, travel was out of the question for them. It was also bittersweet to not have Tannon. As you know, he is serving a 2 year mission in Malaga, Spain.  He'll be here next year though. In fact, we are down to 9 more months.  WOW!  Here's a little photo he just sent me of him and the little boy of a family he is teaching the gospel to in Spain. He looks so happy!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving too!


  1. So sad we couldn't be there! Everything looks delicious and the table looks beautiful! I also want that red snowflake you and Daysha got! I think you should ship one to me :)

  2. Ok, after being nosy and reading all your thankful lists I have to ask, what is slush?
    Thanks for sharing your awesome pre-made layout idea!!!

  3. Tina, Slush is our tradional drink at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Here is the link to the recipe here on my blog:


  4. Looks like you had a wonderful time with your family!!! Great find on the snowflake!!!

  5. It looks like you had a fabulous weekend. I hope Kori is doing ok. Keep us all posted.

  6. Looks like you all had such a great Thanksgiving! I'm with you on the living within a 100 miles rule!

  7. Looks like you had a wonderful day, Karen, with your loved ones near and far! Great pics -- can't wait to see the finished layout. Prayers going out for Kori and the babes. I am thankful for you, my friend! :) Happy Thanksgiving (a few days late!) .
