
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Operation Smile Mission Trip

I hope you'll take the time to read today's post. This is something that is amazing that I would love to share with each of you.

Close To My Heart has been a large contributor to Operation Smile for years. I love this charity and the amazing life-changing acts it performs. There have even been years when, just by asking my customers to round up their purchase total to the next dollar, we have collectively paid for one whole surgery. It's that easy!

My monthly Play Group members all contribute and I love that they are willing to donate a few dimes or pennies with each order. I'd like to encourage you to take just a few quick minutes (4 minutes and 32 seconds to be exact) to watch this wonderful video about what Operation Smile does and how Close To My Heart helps.

Close To My Heart is offering something WONDERFUL to us as consultants. Whichever consultant raises the most money for Operation Smile (100% of donations go straight to Operation Smile) over the next 3 months gets to go on a mission trip and assist in a surgery. What a wonderful experience that would be!

The video below explains how you can donate. If you are not ordering on my website or through me, but would still like to contribute to Operation Smile, please just give me a call or email (801.360.9896, and I'll be happy to make your donation.

Operation Smile is an amazing charity that changes lives in one short hour! After watching our daughter give birth to two perfect little babies this week, it made me so grateful that they got here safely and are whole and healthy. Every mother wants that for her children. Through Operation Smile, so many mothers are able to watch their children become whole and healthy, unencumbered by a handicap that is very visible and affects their lives in so many ways.     

Thanks to all of my customers who so generously support Operation Smile each month.  Thanks in advance to any of you who choose to donate after reading this post and watching the video.

Freezing in Chicago,

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