
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

3 More Days for May Specials and a Sunflower Card

I can't believe it is already May 29.  This month has flown by.  That means that there are only a couple more days for you to take advantage of the May Specials.

1.  Dotty For You Paper Pack: can be yours for only $5 ($19.95 value) when you spend $35.
2. May Stamp of the Month (I made the card at the top of this post with this gorgeous set) can be yours for only $5 with a $50 order.

Click on the link for either special for details.

You can take advantage of these and other great deals on my website, 24/7.

In addition to the Close To My Heart specials, so many great things are happening or have happened this month in our family, and one not-so-great one (see #10).

1.  Dawson is now out of school for the Summer. Can you join my in a "Hallelujah!"? I love no nagging
Dawson is 3rd from the left, of course posing.  He has such great friends!
about homework for 3 blissful months!
2.  The fund raiser I was in charge of at church was a resounding success. We raised twice what we thought we were going to and are able to pay for all of our girls to go to a one week Young Womens' Camp in July. YIPEEEE!
3. Easton and Daysha came and visited. We love having them here!
Easton and Daysha doing one of our favorite family activities: shooting.
4.  Dawson played in some fun basketball tourneys.
5.  We celebrated 5 family birthdays, and 2 family anniversaries (including my parents' 50th and Dan and my 27th). Yes, May is our month of celebrations!
6.  We got to skype with Tannon on Mother's Day. I loved seeing his face and hearing his voice. He gets home from his 2-year mission the end of August. It really has gone so quickly!
Tannon (far left) with his companion (next to him), his mission president and one other missionary.
7.  We celebrated Memorial Day yesterday by visiting my wonderful 92 year old grandmother and having a cookout there with many family members.
Grandma, GG (for Great Grandma) or 3G (for Great Great Grandma). 
8.  My parents headed out on a two-week trip to Switzerland to celebrate their 50 years together.
Dad and Mom in Switzerland, taking a break and looking at all of the photos they have taken.
9.  Although Kori, Rick and the grandkids are living in Chicago, we are so happy to have been able to talk with and even skype with them often this month and enjoy their happenings and developments.  Other than Daci chopping off all of her hair this month (that little toad!), it has been a joy to see them growing and maturing and just being so darn cute!
Daci and her 'new haircut'

Street and Livvi, so excited about their twin bears
10.  We also spent much of this past weekend at the hospital. Dan's dad was rushed in on Friday evening. We are waiting for results from the biopsy they did of his stomach. There appears to be a tumor there but we are hoping it is benign. Keep your fingers crossed and your knees bent for us if you don't mind. Luckily, he is doing much better and was able to come home late Sunday evening.  We also went an visited him yesterday. 
Grandpa Pedersen, cooking us all burgers at Bear Lake.

I truly am blessed to be a member of such a wonderful family!


  1. Wowie, what a month you've had! I will keep Dan's father in my prayers - that must have you all so worried! I can't believe all the activity in your house. How blessed you are!!

  2. Busy month! Hope Dan's father gets better soon.

  3. Praying for Dan's dad - it's hard to see our parents in physical distress. God is good and will take care of him.

    LOVIN' Daci's new look!
    The twins are both smiling at the same time ----- wheeee so cute!

    And I can't believe your grandma is 92!!!! Holy mackerel she looks not a day over 60!

    Thanks for sharing your life-bites with us Karen. Your positivity is awesome and inspiring!

  4. So sorry to hear about your father-in-law. You all are definitely in my prayers. LOVE all the fun photos from May! That sunflower card is just WOW! LOVE it!

  5. Beautiful card and what a wonderful update on your family. I didn't realize your family liked to shoot - that's fantastic! Prayers for Dan's dad. Hope you have good news by now. <3
